Welcome to docs.bpmn.io. This repository contains documentation for:
- diagram-js
- bpmn-js
- dmn-js
This repository is based on Jekyll and hosted via GitHub Pages. To run locally:
Install bundler if not installed before:
gem install bundler jekyll
Run the website:
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
This should take couple of minutes until the page is built and served in http://localhost:4000/ Note that the incremental flag helps to build only the modified pages, which makes thing much faster in case we're modifying the content.
Note about search
Pages added & removed from the docs should automatically be handled, so no need to do extra steps in order to take care of search functionality.
These color variables may be modified to achieve custom themes inside bpmn-io.scss:
In order to plug back the DMN related content in into the website, undo this commit.