Java Game of Life and Death
A special Java version of Cary Huang's iOS game called GOLAD. The overall goal is to raise awareness and appreciation for cellular automata. The game currently is nonprofit, and is made entirely off of volunteer programmers and supporters. The download is free and any suggestions you have are appreciated.
To give your support and to download the game without compiling it yourself, join the discord server for JGOLAD:
A large variety of cells that don't exist anywhere else like 'eaters' or 'double cells'. Using this, weird creations are possible.
4 player local game support
Built in popular rules like High Life, and the ability to enter custom rules
'Corpse' cells support (up to 50, these guys exist in rules like the Star Wars life)
Save and Load boards using the Java Serializable (SER) format for sharing, as well as more human readable PNG files
Crappy but useful controls
Sandbox mode and a local game mode
A rainbow mode that can make very pretty reactions
A hard to use but somewhat useful rule guesser that lets you see which lifeforms exist in which rules
Backslash - Moves the sandbox in real time, or quickly moves through bot/AI moves in local games
space - Submits a move in local games, or moves through 1 bot/AI move at a time
']' - Moves the sandbox simulation forward 1 generation
'[' - Moves the sandbox simulation forward 10 generations
shift+'[' - Forward 100 generations
ctrl+'[' - Forward 1000 generations (warning, may be really slow)
's' - Saves the board as a lightweight png file to your hard drive
'p' - Enables or disables predictions
What is GOLAD?
What makes JGOLAD different? JGOLAD is written in Java and is for PC, unlike the iOS (and soon Android?) GOLAD. JGOLAD also has a lot of cool things that don't exist in regular GOLAD or in other GOLAD-clones.
Is there a way to donate? Not yet. But you can support the game by joining the discord server ( and sharing it with your friends.
Why is it so confusing and hard to use? Because it's in Beta and it's not about an easy topic. Cellular automata is a weird realm that takes a while to fully understand if you've never seen it before. Maybe this will help: I will admit that JGOLAD could be a lot more user-friendly but it's been mostly a one-person job for me (but lots of thanks to those who have been developing bits of it for me <3) so the majority of my focus has been on making features, not necessarily perfecting those features.
Kiza / SomeAnnoyingGuy
Hans / hanss314
Saiken Yuuki
Pika Animation
Meme Producer II
Beta is still in progress, so they will be listed later