An SMB Scanner that scans hosts for SMB shares that are accessible to users and/or guests on the network. The recursive scanner allows you as the tester to find files that may normaly get missed in the normal enumeration phase.
Currently supports a Hostname, IP, CIDR Notation, or File input with the single tag -t
. ShairBlare also allows NTLM hashes for "Pass The HasH".
At the moment, Shairblair outpus in json format for parseing. We are currently working on exporting in an HTML interactive format.
usage: shareblair [-h|--help] -t|--target "<value>" [-u|--user "<value>"]
[-d|--domain "<value>"] [-p|--password "<value>"] [--hash
"<value>"] [--port <integer>] [-v|--verbose] [--maxdepth
-h --help Print help information
-t --target Hostname, IP, CIDR or file of targets
-u --user User to authenticate with
-d --domain Domain to authenticate with
-p --password Password to authenticate with
--hash Hash to authenticate with
--port Port to connect to. Default: 445
-v --verbose Add verbosity. Default: false
--maxdepth Max Recursive Depth for Share Scanning. 0 will only scan the
top level folders.. Default: 5
go run main.go -t -u gameandwatch --hash 8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C
"HostDestination": "",
"ResolvedIP": "",
"UserFlag": {
"Target": "",
"Threads": 0,
"Verbose": true,
"User": "gameandwatch",
"Domain": "",
"Password": "",
"Hash": "8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C",
"Port": 445,
"MaxDepth": 5,
"OutFileLocation": ""
"ConnectionTCP": {},
"ConnectionTCP_OK": true,
"ConnectionSMB": {},
"ConnectionSMB_OK": true,
"GuestOnly": false,
"GuestAccess": false,
"ListOfShares": [
"ShareName": "Test4",
"Hidden": false,
"SMBConnection": {},
"Mount": {},
"Mounted": false,
"UserFlags": {
"Target": "",
"Threads": 0,
"Verbose": true,
"User": "gameandwatch",
"Domain": "",
"Password": "",
"Hash": "8846F7EAEE8FB117AD06BDD830B7586C",
"Port": 445,
"MaxDepth": 5,
"OutFileLocation": ""
"UserRead": true,
"UserWrite": false,
"GuestRead": false,
"GuestWrite": false,
"ListOfFolders": [
"Depth": 0,
"Name": "InnerFolder",
"HumanPath": "\\\\\\Test4\\InnerFolder",
"ListOfFolders": [
"Depth": 1,
"Name": "Folder2",
"HumanPath": "\\\\\\Test4\\InnerFolder\\Folder2",
"ListOfFolders": [
"Depth": 2,
"Name": "SysinternalsSuite",
"HumanPath": "\\\\\\Test4\\InnerFolder\\Folder2\\SysinternalsSuite",
"ListOfFolders": null,
"ListOfFiles": [
"Name": "ADExplorer.exe",
"HumanPath": "\\\\\\Test4\\InnerFolder\\Folder2\\SysinternalsSuite\\ADExplorer.exe",
"FolderPath": "\\\\\\Test4\\InnerFolder\\Folder2\\SysinternalsSuite",
"Size": 1237896
- Guest Access Check
- Test Read Write Access for every share found
- Read Targets in Cidr Notation
- Read Targets from file
- Add ability to use hash instead of password
- Add Threading
- Output format
- [-] HTML Output similar to dumpldapdomain (IN PROGRESS)