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This is a OAI2 library plugin for Solr

What is it ?

A plugin that exposes your Solr 8.x indexes with the OAI2 protocol.

How it works

You can use simple xslt documents to map the raw Solr XML response into the oai_dc metadata format; and any other metadata schema you want to offer your harvesting public. This way you can expose your index, regardless of your solr schema. It can be used for single and multicore instances.

Declare the request and response handlers

In the solrconfig.xml add a requestHandler and response writer:

<requestHandler name="/oai" default="false" class="org.socialhistoryservices.solr.oai.OAIRequestHandler">
    <!-- WT is the key for the queryResponseWriter (see below) -->
    <str name="wt">oai</str>
    <str name="oai_home">/oai</str>
    <! -- more configuration in this readme below -->

<queryResponseWriter name="oai" default="false" class="org.socialhistoryservices.solr.oai.OAIQueryResponseWriter"/>

The oai folder

For each metadata schema you want to support, add an associated xslt document to the "oai" folder. There are sample xslt documents already in the folder of this distribution.

The oai folder can be placed in each core; or higher up in de solr_home directory. If your directory structure look like this:

      - index
      - tlog

then the setting ought to be

<str name="oai_home">/oai</str>

Alternatively, you can place an oai folder in each core as well. For example:

<str name="oai_home">/core0/oai</str>


Non dynamic documents

The Identify, ListSets and ListMetadataPrefix verbs are xml documents you need to place manually in the oai folder.

The Identify verb

Place a suitable Identify.xml document in the -oai folder. For example:

<OAI-PMH xmlns=""

    <!-- You may leave out the responseDate and request elements -->

        <repositoryName>Your repo name</repositoryName>
        <adminEmail>[email protected]</adminEmail>

The ListMetadataFormats verb

The ListMetadataPrefix.xml document contains your metadata schema definitions. At startup the oai4Solr plugin will look for a 'ListMetadataPrefix.xml' document in the oai folder and use for the ListMetadataFormats response.

The plugin will derive and load all declared xslt documents from it. For example, consider the fragment:

<OAI-PMH xmlns=""

    <!-- You may leave out the responseDate and request elements -->


The -metadataPrefix element value will be used to load an associate xslt document from the oai folder. Here: oai_dc.xsl, marcxml.xsl and solr.xsl

Valid OAI2 metadataPrefix parameter values will then be oai_dc, marcxml and solr. The OAI2 response will be manufactured by applying the corresponding (cached) xslt template.

The ListSets verb

ListSets are not constructed dynamically from facets. Rather, like 'ListMetadataFormats' and 'Identify' they are declared in the file ListSets.xml. For example like:

<OAI-PMH xmlns=""

    <!-- You may leave out the responseDate and request elements -->

            <setDescription>All the books from the library</setDescription>
            <setName>Video and audio</setName>
            <setDescription>All digitally available audio and video</setDescription>

You specify the solr index field for sets in the solrconfig.xml document with the "field_index_set" field. For example if your Solr schema has an appropriate field for set queries such as 'catalog_source'

<field name="catalog_source" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" />

Then indicate the value in your solrconfig.xml document so:

<str name="field_index_set">catalog_source</str>

OAI Identifier

An OAI identifier has the format 'oai:[domain]:[identifier]'. When this value is passed on with the GetRecord verb using the -identifier parameter, the 'oai:[domain]:' bit is stripped of and the remaining (low local) identifier is used for the Lucene query.

Indicate the domain with the 'prefix' parameter. For example like so:

<str name="prefix">oai:localhost:</str>

And the local identifier with the 'identifier' parameter. For example:

<str name="field_index_identifier">my-unique-record-identifier</str>

So in this example an oai identifier like 'oai:localhost:12345' would translate in a Lucene query 'my-unique-record-identifier:12345'


The -from and -until OAI2 parameters need to be mapped also in the solrconfig.xml document. Make sure the solr fields that contain the indexed datestamps are of type 'date' to allow for sorting. For example:

<fieldType name="date" class="solr.TrieDateField" sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true"/>
<field name="my_datestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" default="NOW"/>

The plugin will need to know which index fields can be used for querying and sorting. Set it so:

    <str name="field_sort_datestamp">my_datestamp</str>
    <str name="field_index_datestamp">my_datestamp</str>

Resultset length

The default is 200 records per response before the resumptionToken kicks in. You can set a maximum record length per schema with the maxrecords parameter:

<lst name="maxrecords">
    <int name="default">200</int>

    <!-- EAD documents are large, so we want to page per document -->
    <int name="ead">1</int>

OAI2 settings


The static_query argument is an optional extra Lucene query and if set, appended as an AND query to the internal OAI2 query string. Use a static query when you do not want to expose the entire Solr index, but a specific subset.

<!-- Example: -->
<str name="static_query">visible:true</str>


Use this when the OAI2 handler is invoked via a parent handler or proxy which attaches extra query conditions dynamically. For example when the client is not allowed to see certain records based on access policies. Filter query arguments must be appended to the oai handler with a -fq key.

For example, if set to true:

<bool name="enable_filter_query">true</bool>

then backend clients can append a -fq parameter to the oai handler's query string. This setting is intended for server side control, so you can call the oai2 service internally. For example like this with pseude code:

String OAI2_ARGUMENTS = capture_oai_arguments(client_request);
String QUERY_FILTER_ARGUMENTS = get_query_arguments_from_user_authorities(client_id);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient("http://localhost/solr/collection1/oai?" + OAI2_ARGUMENTS + "&qf=QUERY_FILTER_ARGUMENTS);

Solrconfig.xml configuration in full

If needed, set the following in the solrconfig.xml document:


<!-- configuration -->

<requestHandler name="/oai" default="false" class="org.socialhistoryservices.api.oai.OAIRequestHandler">

    <!-- WT is the key for the queryResponseWriter (see below) -->
    <str name="wt">oai</str>

    <!-- the oai_home is a path relative to the solr.home directory.
    The default is [solr_home]/oai
    In this folder the xsl stylesheets, ListMetadataPrefix.xml, Identify.xml and ListSets.xsl must be placed.
    <str name="oai_home">/oai</str>

    <!-- the base url. If you are begin a proxy, use the proxy domain.-->
    <str name="proxyurl">http://localhost:8080/oai</str>

    <!-- index name of the oai identifier used for the -identifier parameter
     For example, if your Solr identifier index is "identifier", set it
    <str name="field_index_identifier">identifier</str>

    <!-- The prefix will be stripped from the oai identifier value, before it is passed
    to the Solr Lucene query. For example, if your index contains a
     Solr identifiers such as the format:
    then an OAI request like GetRecord&identifier=oai:mydomain:id12345
     is rewritten as id12345 and passed on to the Solr query.
    <str name="prefix">oai:socialhistoryservices:</str>

    <!-- The index name used for the -set parameter -->
    <str name="field_index_set">myIndexForSets</str>

    <!-- the index name that can be used for the -from and -until parameters -->
    <str name="field_index_datestamp">datestamp</str>

    <!-- the index name that can be used to sort datestamps. It is relevant
    to have a sortable field for your datestamp when having paged OAI2
    results. -->
    <str name="field_sort_datestamp">s_datestamp</str>

    <!-- index name for the -set value -->
    <str name="field_index_set">sets</str>

    <!-- Some documents may be large or small, depending on the schema.
    In that case, we set the step of the paging to a lower count. -->
    <lst name="maxrecords">
        <int name="default">200</int>
        <int name="ead">1</int>
        <int name="eci">1</int>

    <!-- The resumption token is build up from string parameters (from,until,set and metadataprefix). The separator
    character is a regular expression that is used to divide them up.
    You don't need to change this.
    <int name="resumptionTokenExpirationInSeconds">86400</int>
    <str name="resumptionTokenSeparator">,</str>
    <!-- The static_query argument is an optional extra Lucene query and if set, appended as an AND query to the internal
    OAI2 query string. Use this query when you do not want to expose the entire Solr index, but a specific subset.
    For example:
        <str name="static_query">(visible:true AND status:available) OR showall:true</str>
    will be appended by the OAI2 handler so:
        [the OAI2 query here] AND ( (visible:true AND status:available) OR showall:true )
        <str name="static_query"/>

    <!-- The enable_filter_query is set to true or false ( false is the default ).

    Use this when the OAI2 handler is invoked via a parent handler or proxy which attaches extra query conditions dynamically.
    This can be use full when the client is not allowed to see certain records based on access policies. The latter
    you can translate into a filter query.

    Filter query arguments must be appended to the oai handler with a -fq key.

    For example, you may have an internal service that captures the client request and the identity of the client.
    You can then call the service internally like so in this pseude code:
    String OAI2_ARGUMENTS = capture_oai_arguments(client_request);
    String QUERY_FILTER_ARGUMENTS = get_query_arguments_from_user_authorities(client_id);
    SolrServer solrServer = new HttpSolrServer("http://localhost/solr/collection1/oai?" + OAI2_ARGUMENTS + "&qf=QUERY_FILTER_ARGUMENTS);

    Note: if you want to use the -fq parameter for this purpose make sure you do not allow the client to inject
    the -fq parameter. The enable_filter_query value is false when not set.
        <bool name="enable_filter_query">false</bool>

<!-- Custom wt that is being used by the OAI handler -->
<queryResponseWriter name="oai" default="false" class="org.socialhistoryservices.api.oai.OAIQueryResponseWriter"/>


Mapping tips

To map your Solr documents onto a metadata schema like OAI_DC, Marc, EAD, Mets, MODS, etc., make a corresponding XSLT document for each.

1. From stored Solr index fields

Map stored Solr index fields from your schema.xml. Typically, those fields will show up in a /select XML Solr result set.

For example, if you want to create an oai_dc metadata response with a dc:title and the suitable Solr index field was defined as 'main_title'

<field name="main_title" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false" />

then map it to a dc:title in the oai_dc.xsl document so:

    <xsl:value-of select="$doc//str[@name='main_title']"/>

See the oai_dc.xsl example in the demo/solr/oai folder of this project for a working example.

2. Map a single stored XML document

In some cases, you may find it more convenient to - apart from the indexed fields - add the complete document of a particular metadata schema as an unindexed and compressed resource field and just data dump it.

For example, if you have a MARCXML document:

<marc:record xmlns:marc="">
    <marc:leader>00620nam a22 7i</marc:leader>
    <!-- snip snip -->
    <marc:datafield ind1="1" ind2="0" tag="245">
        <marc:subfield code="a">Artis-gids :</marc:subfield>
        <marc:subfield code="b">125 jaar /</marc:subfield>
        <marc:subfield code="c">samenst. H. v.d. Werken.; tekeningen Ies Spreekmeester.</marc:subfield>
    <!-- snip snip -->

and add in to a Solr index field that is named let's say 'resource':

<field name="resource" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" required="true" compressed="true"/>

then the typical Solr XML response would indicate:

    <str name="resource">
        &lt;marc:record xmlns:marc=""&gt;
            &lt;marc:leader&gt;00620nam a22 7i&lt;/marc:leader&gt;
            &lt;!-- snip snip --&gt;
            &lt;marc:datafield ind1="1" ind2="0" tag="245"&gt;
                &lt;marc:subfield code="a"&gt;Artis-gids :&lt;/marc:subfield&gt;
                &lt;marc:subfield code="b"&gt;125 jaar /&lt;/marc:subfield&gt;
                &lt;marc:subfield code="c"&gt;samenst. H. v.d. Werken.; tekeningen Ies Spreekmeester.&lt;/marc:subfield&gt;
            &lt;!-- snip snip --&gt;

In your marcxml.xsl you can map this so:

<xsl:template name="metadata">
        <xsl:variable name="record" select="saxon:parse($doc//str[@name='resource']/text())/node()"/>
        <xsl:copy-of select="$record"/>

Note: we used an xslt 2 method here.

See the marcxml.xsl example in the demo/solr/oai folder of this project for a working example.


Depending on your approach you may want to use xslt 2. If you do, add an xslt parser like Saxon in your web container's classpath. For example from:

Place the libraries in the class path, i.e.


or /tomcat8/lib

or the web-container-classpath-of-your-choice equivalent.

To build from source

Clone from the git repository and use one the two maven commands:

$ mvn clean package

The -Dsolr.solr.home VM property may need to be set manually if the unit tests cannot derive it's location. In that case add:

$ mvn -Dsolr.solr.home=[absolute path to oai4solr/solr] clean package

The end result is a package in ./oai2-plugin/target/oai2-plugin-8.x-1.0.jar ( or your maven local repository if you used 'install').


You can also download the latest build from from the artifacts tab.


Place oai2-plugin-8.x-1.0.jar in the designated "lib", "contrib" folder of your Solr application. Or add a symbolic link in the "lib" that points to the jar. For example:

<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/contrib/oai" />

Runable demo

Once the project is build, a demo is available. It contains an embedded Solr Jetty server. If you start it, it will load MarcXML test records.

Copy the oai2-plugin-8.x-1.0.jar into the demo/solr/lib folder. Or place a symbolic link to it. The directory structure should look like this:


Start the demo with:

java -jar demo/target/demo-8.1.jar

Then explore the test OAI2 repository with your request to it, e.g.


Feature requests and contributions

If you want a particular feature, make a feature request by opening up an issue. If on top of that you want to contribute, then please feel free to fork this project; branch off; implement the function with tests and make a pull request.


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