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Simultaneous optimization of the weights and architecture of neural networks (various optimization methods)


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Automated Optimization of Neural Network Architecture Design

[Bachelor's 4th year of Computing Science Honours degree: dissertation over the course of a research internship at Edinburgh Napier University]
⚠️ Project no longer supported

In Machine Learning, Neural network have demonstrated flexibility and robustness properties. It is known that neural nets can be used for solving a wide variety of problems, provided that the topology is appropriately chosen. There are two main schools of thought when it comes to training neural networks: the use of gradient based methods with the back propagation algorithm and the use of evolutionary algorithms. This research project researches the automation of the design of the most adequate architecture and weights for solving various supervised learning problem.


This CLI tool is composed of 3 benchmarks and some additional directories:

  • The BP_experiment directory contains the BP benchmark (using the FANN library)
  • The NEAT_experiment directory contains the NEAT benchmark (using NEAT library)
  • The evolutionary_nets directory contains the evolutionary nets benchmark (PSO, DE & AIS)
  • The formatting_scripts directory contains C++ scripts to perform CSV to FANN & FANN to CSV data set conversion. (see section on Adding more data sets)
  • The data directory contains the data sets to be used for the experiment. It is also in this directory that results are written.

The benchmark can be ran as a whole using It is also possible to run each benchmark independently using the script of each experiment's directory. See below for more information on the libraries and main acronyms used in this project.


This work also contains implementations of the following techniques:


The application leverages the following libraries:

  • Armadillo C++ Linear Algebra library
  • FANN C++ library (implements the Gradient Descent/Back Propagation algorithm)
  • NEAT C++ (Neuro Evolution of Augmenting Topologies => adapted to solve classification problems)

Simply run:

$ sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev libfann-dev octave.

Octave is optional but allows you to generate plots by running pre-written scripts such as $ ./, which generates plots such as the MSE, F1 score and %accuracy against the number of calls made to the error function and so on (with error bars).

Running the benchmark

$ # Download the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd Evolutionary-neural-networks/
$ # give execution permissions
$ chmod +x
$ # Execute benchmark (all 5 algorithms on all data sets)
$ ./

Once you're all set, you might be interested in modifying the hard coded parameters (Number of replicates, population size etc.) in the script.

Deleting the benchmark

rm -rf Evolutionary-neural-networks/
sudo apt-get remove libarmadillo-dev libfann-dev octave

Adding more data sets

Before adding your data set

Please make sure that the data set only contains numerical values (you might want to do some pre-processing using a tool such as OpenRefine). The target attribute must be the last column of the data set. You'll see post transformation, I typically call these +"-transformed.csv".

Feature scaling will then be automatically applied when the benchmark loads the data set. The benchmark support classification problem with any number of attributes or prediction classes (2 or more).

Adding your data set

  • Add your data set in the data directory
  • In data, create a directory named after your data set following my convention ('-' must be replaced by "_", directory name must end with "_results")
  • Make sure that BP_experiment/data/ contains data sets in the FANN format and with a .data extension.
  • Create a genome file required for NEAT to run (same convention except the filename must end with "startgenes"), look at the deprecated but insightful documentation for how to write these. (It defines the initial topology to be evolved).
  • Add its path as CLI argument within the script (always using a .csv extension).

Converting your data set in a FANN readable format

In the formatting_scripts directory you'll find C++ scripts to help you convert your .CSV data set into a .DATA format that the FANN library used in the BP_experiment will be able to use.

Compilation and execution

If you wish to make changes to a benchmark or simply to manually run any C++ code here, you'll be able to find the compilation and execution commands by running the following commands. Feel free to look at the scripts to see how each experiment is ran.

cat main.cpp | grep "Compile"
cat main.cpp | grep "Run"


Run make within the NEAT_experiment directory. The code used here is the original NEAT C++ benchmark application and comes with a Makefile.

For evolutionary_nets

evolutionary_nets is a QT Creator project. Either build it from the IDE or follow these instructions to build it from CLI.

Performance considerations

For improved performances, each replicate of the experiment is ran concurrently as an OpenMP thread.


My bachelor's dissertation is accessible at /dissertation/memoir.pdf if you want to find out more on the theory/background of neural networks, evolutionary algorithms and see the results of the initial experiment (+ paper currently being written).


Simultaneous optimization of the weights and architecture of neural networks (various optimization methods)







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