A repository that implements proposed idea from popular conference such as ECCV, CVPR, NIPS and etc from scratch.
Category | Number of Implementation |
Activation | 3 |
CNN Attention | 21 |
CNN Backbone | 9 |
ViT Backbone | 14 |
Convolution | 10 |
Normalization | 1 |
Sampling/Pooling | 4 |
Title | Conference/Publication | Official Repo | My Implementation |
ChannelNets: Compact and Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks via Channel-Wise Convolutions | NIPS 2018 | Repo | ChannelBlock.py |
A ConvNet for the 2020s | CVPR 2022 | Repo | ConvNextBlock.py |
Diverse Branch Block: Building a Convolution as an Inception-like Unit | CVPR 2021 | Repo | DiverseBranchBlock.py |
InceptionNeXt: When Inception Meets ConvNeXt | CVPR 2024 | Repo | InceptionNextBlock.py |
Going Deeper with Convolutions | CVPR 2015 | Most of the Framework including this model | InceptionV1Block.py |
RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again | CVPR 2021 | Repo | RepVGGBlock.py |
Data-Driven Neuron Allocation for Scale Aggregation Networks | CVPR 2019 | Repo | ScaleBlock.py |
Visual Attention Network | CVM 2023 | Repo | VANBlock.py |
VanillaNet: the Power of Minimalism in Deep Learning | None | Repo | VanillaBlock.py |
Title | Conference/Publication | Official Repo | My Implementation |
Bnet: Batch normalization with enhanced linear transformation | TPAMI 2023 | Repo | BNet.py |
Title | Conference/Publication | Official Repo | My Implementation |
Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again | ICML 2019 | Repo | BlurPool.py |
CARAFE: Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures | ICCV 2019 | Unofficial Repo | CARAFE.py(Pasted from Repo) |
LIP: Local Importance-based Pooling | ICCV 2019 | Repo | LIP.py |
Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool | ICCV 2021 | Repo | SoftPool.py |