This is the master repo for
It’s deployed on a kubenetes cluster build as described
In active development
docker run -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=awesome_password -p 5432:5432 postgres
There’s a kproj script that handles pushing out new versions.
- It builds the images with
--platform linux/amd64
- Pushes the images to dockerhub
- does
kn service update
to activate the new version - Sets up a local tunnel to the postgres instance and runs
npm prisma migrate
to sync up the database - Optionally can run
npx prsima studio
over a similar tunnel
There’s a database
section and a global
section which will be managed
automatically. To add or configure a service, add a stanza with the
same name as a directory. If that directory has a Dockerfile
it in,
it will be considered a deployable service.
binding = true
config_maps = ["postgres-postgresql-watcher","s3-access"]
events = [""]
image = "wschenk/watcher"
migrate = "rake db:migrate"
schema = "watcher"
service = "watcher"
Name | Description |
binding | Setup a K_SINK to send events to the default broker |
config_maps | Which config maps should be injected into the environment |
events | List of events that trigger this service |
image | Tag of the image to build locally and deploy remotely |
migrate | command to use to update the database |
schema | Database schema to use, config map will be created with a correct DATABASE_URL |
service | The name of the remote service |
Commands are:
./kproj help
kproj build # Builds a service
kproj db # Database functions
kproj doctor # Sync the state of the cluster
kproj help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
kproj info name # queries the cluster
kproj trigger_add name event # add a trigger to the service
kproj up name # Deploys a service
kproj update # Pushes configuration to server
./kproj db help
kproj db database_url db schema # set the database secret
kproj db dbs # List databases
kproj db help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
kproj db job # Create the backup job
kproj db migrate name # runs the db migration
kproj db password # get the password of a database
kproj db schemas # List defined schemas
deployment.toml has a list of services and data around how they are deployed.
kubernetes directory contains other services not deployed by kn
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/pgadmin.yaml
Get the password:
kubectl get secret --namespace default postgres-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode | pbcopy
Then start up a port forwarder:
kubectl port-forward svc/pgadmin-service 4000:80
Once you are done, you can kill pgadmin
kubectl delete -f kubernetes/pgadmin.yaml
GET /?package=name
export type Project = {
name: string;
homepage?: string;
description?: string;
git?: string;
keywords?: string[];
participants?: Participant[];
licenses?: string[];
releases: Release[]
export type Release = {
version: string;
released?: string;
summary?: string;
description?: string;
licenses?: string[];
download_count?: number;
major?: number;
minor?: number;
patch?: number;
suffix?: string;
prerelease?: boolean;
export type Participant = {
username?: string;
name?: string;
email: string;
type: string;
Cronjob, defined in kubernetes/backup.yaml that copies the databases into s3 buckets
A bit hacked together as far as kproj is concerned, database urls are
manually added if service = job
Run ./kproj up backup
after you create a new schema to regenerate the
file and apply it
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | aws access id key |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | aws secret |
AWS_END_POINT | aws end point |
BUCKET_NAME | bucket name, e..g |
*_DATABASE_URL | will loop over each entry in the enviroment matching the pattern |
eco-cocoapods – not implemented
ruby-based gateway to the cocoapods ecosystem
ruby-based gateway to the rubygems ecosystem
Uses project schema
as a resposne
node-based gateway to the npm ecosystem
Uses project schema
as a resposne
Issues and other project level data
ruby-based parsing of Gemfile.lock
node-based parsing of package-lock.json
ruby-based parsing of Podlock.lock
node-based parsing of yarn.lock
ruby service to handle sending emails and slack notifications
NextJS app that contains the front end as well as the projects database
Mostly referenced in lib/ecosystem.ts
DATABASE_URL | connect string to postgres |
ECO_RUBYGEMS_URL | url to eco-rubygems |
ECO_NPM_URL | url to eco-npm |
ECO_COCOAPODS_URL | url to eco-cocoapods |
LOCK_GEMFILE_URL | url to lock-gemfile |
LOCK_YARNLOCK_URL | url to lock-yarnlock |
LOCK_PACKAGELOCK_URL | url to lock-packagelock |
LOCK_PODLOCK_URL | uri to lock-podlock |
NextJS that contains the frontend to the repositories
DATABASE_URL | connect string to postgres |
K_SINK | url to post events to |
git.done | receives | a repository has been updated | | sends | watch for changes on this url |
git.process | sends | process a repository |
Downloading and analyising the repo
- [ ] look for special files to fingerprint the repo (code of conduct, etc)
- [ ] private repositories
K_SINK | url to post events to |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | aws access id key |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | aws secret |
AWS_END_POINT | aws end point |
BUCKET_NAME | bucket name, e..g |
STORAGE_URL | external url to bucket, e.h. |
git.process | receives | pulls the repository and creates the database |
git.done | sends | finished processing the repository |
Service to monitor URLs and trigger recalculations
- [ ] specify in if we want to store in S3 or not
- [ ] trigger poll based on ping events
- [ ] better history of frequency changes
K_SINK | url to post events to |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | aws access id key |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | aws secret |
AWS_END_POINT | aws end point |
BUCKET_NAME | bucket name, e..g | | receives | the url to watch |
url.changed | sends | A watched url has changed, data uploaded into S3 |