Dennis Lemke Green - NUSP: 11219108
Pedro Henrique Magalhães Cisdeli- NUSP: 10289804
Pedro Guerra Lourenço - NUSP: 11218747
- Arduino Uno;
- 4 LEDs 5mm;
- 4 2-pin Push-buttons;
- 4 Resistors 330 Ohms;
- 4 Resistors 10kOhms;
- Jumpers.
This project was developed during the classes of SSC0180 - Electronics for Computer Sciences at USP - São Carlos and it tries to imitate the game "Genius".
For those who don't know, this game is about memorizing a sequence. The Leds will light up, showing the sequence and the player has to repeat it. If the sequence is correct, the length of the sequence is increase by one and this process repets itself ultil the player makes an error.