- 3x3 visualisation (vegret)
- pyraminx mooves + iddfs + visualisation (vegret)
- big cube moves + visualisation (vegret)
... =solve_step_from_file
(axbrisse) - generate or find optimal ZBLL (axbrisse)
- random move scrambler without redundant moves
- better
(R L R L'
- 3x3x3 cfop solver
- 3x3x3 zb solver (axbrisse)
- 3x3x3 zz solver (axbrisse)
- 3x3x3 petrus solver (axbrisse)
- 3x3x3 thistlethwaite/kloosterman/pochmann solver (axbrisse)
- 3x3x3 reid solver (axbrisse)
- 3x3x3 kociemba solver
- 3x3x3 korf solver
- 2x2x2 iddfs solver
- pyraminx iddfs solver (vegret)
- big cube solver
- megaminx solver
- step explainer
- random move scrambler (vegret)
- random state scrambler (vegret)
- 3d visualization (vegret)
- remove
- remove useless
and usepub(crate)
where appropriate
- https://kociemba.org/cube.htm
- https://github.com/sebcrozet/kiss3d
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PGfL4t-uqE
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimal_solutions_for_the_Rubik%27s_Cube
- Kloosterman explanation : https://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Martin.Schoenert/Cube-Lovers/michael_reid__an_upper_bound_on_god%27s_number.html
- Pochmann code : https://www.stefan-pochmann.info/spocc/other_stuff/tools/solver_thistlethwaite/solver_thistlethwaite_cpp.txt
- Reid explanation : https://www.math.rwth-aachen.de/~Martin.Schoenert/Cube-Lovers/michael_reid__an_upper_bound_on_god%27s_number.html
- Kociemba symmetry : https://stackoverflow.com/a/70159792
- Korf paper : https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall06/cos402/papers/korfrubik.pdf
- Korf opti pattern databases : https://cdn.aaai.org/AAAI/2005/AAAI05-219.pdf
- Korf explanation : https://github.com/benbotto/rubiks-cube-cracker
- Korf explanation : https://medium.com/@benjamin.botto/implementing-an-optimal-rubiks-cube-solver-using-korf-s-algorithm-bf750b332cf9
- Kociemba explanation : https://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/compcube.htm#kocal
- Analyzing the Rubik's Cube Group of Various Sizes and Solutions : https://math.uchicago.edu/~may/REU2021/REUPapers/Chuang,Alex.pdf#page=17&zoom=100,169,306
- Group Theory and the Rubik's Cube : https://people.math.harvard.edu/~jjchen/docs/Group%20Theory%20and%20the%20Rubik's%20Cube.pdf
- Θ(n²/log(n)) god's number : https://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.5736