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This is the main repository for HERA's monitor and control subsystems.

The HERA M&C system contains two primary types of tables and data:

  • Configuration Management: This is the information about how all the hardware in the telescope is connected together. This is a fairly small dataset and is only updated when people change things. This data can be useful for users to have locally to be able to identify how things are connected together. The actual data is stored in a separate repository, hera_cm_db_updates. If you only need configuration management data, you can do a relatively light-weight install of hera_mc and import the data from that repo using SQLITE (which comes installed on many operating systems including Macs).
  • Real-time monitoring: This is the information about how the telescope is operating. It includes information about commanded and actual settings of the various systems as well as telemetry like temperatures. This is fairly large data and is available onsite or at NRAO (based on a copy of the database that is refreshed weekly) in an online PostgreSQL server. Much of this data can also be viewed in various dashboards (including via grafana) linked from


A detailed description of the monitor and control system and the database schema can be found in our description document.


Simple installation via pip is available for users, developers should follow the directions under Developer Installation below.

For simple installation, the latest stable version is available via pip (pip install hera_mc).

There are some optional dependencies that are required for specific functionality, which will not be installed automatically by pip. See Dependencies for details on installing optional dependencies.

If you want to use the configuration management information and connect to either an SQLITE or PostgreSQL database, follow the detailed installation instructions in


The required dependencies are:

  • alembic >= 1.8
  • astropy >= 5.0.4
  • cartopy >=0.20
  • numpy >= 1.19
  • psycopg2 >= 2.9
  • pyuvdata >= 2.2.9
  • pyyaml >= 5.1
  • redis-py >= 4.3.4 (Note that this is called "redis" on pypi and "redis-py" on conda)
  • setuptools_scm <7.0|>=7.0.3
  • sqlalchemy >= 1.4

the optional dependencies are:

  • h5py >= 3.1
  • pandas >= 1.4
  • psutil >= 5.9
  • python-dateutil >= 2.8.2
  • tabulate >= 0.8.10
  • tornado >= 6.2

We suggest using conda to install all the dependencies.

If you do not want to use conda, the packages are also available on PyPI. You can install the optional dependencies via pip by specifying an option when you install hera_mc, as in pip install hera_mc[sqlite] which will install all the required packages for using the lightweight configuration management tools. The options that can be passed in this way are: [sqlite, all, dev]. The all option will install all optional dependencies, dev adds packages that may be useful for developers.

Developer Installation

Clone the repository using git clone

Navigate into the hera_mc directory and run pip install . (note that python install does not work). Note that this will attempt to automatically install any missing dependencies. If you use conda or another package manager you might prefer to first install the dependencies as described in Dependencies.

To install without dependencies, run pip install --no-deps .

If you want to do development on hera_mc, in addition to the other dependencies you will need the following packages:

  • pytest
  • pytest-cov
  • coverage
  • pre-commit

One way to ensure you have all the needed packages is to use the included environment.yaml file to create a new environment that will contain all the optional dependencies along with dependencies required development (conda env create -f environment.yaml). Alternatively, you can specify dev when installing hera_mc (as in pip install hera_mc[dev]) to install the packages needed for development.

To use pre-commit to prevent committing code that does not follow our style, you'll need to run pre-commit install in the top level hera_mc directory.

For more instructions for developers, especially related to working with the database and schema changes, see the Developer Instructions.


Uses the pytest package to execute test suite. From the source hera_mc directory run pytest.