A validate plugin for egg based on validator. Best suited for request parameter validation.
$ npm i egg-validation --save
// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.validation = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-validation',
// {app_root}/app/controller/post.js
class postController extends app.Controller {
*index(ctx) {
title: {
type: 'length',
min: 10,
max: 50
page: {
type: 'int',
required: false,
gl: 0
tag: {
type: 'in',
values: ['react', 'vue', 'angular']
Fields are required by default, for field not requried, add required: false
The plugin provide a more concise format for rules. This is recommended when there is no extra option.
// {app_root}/app/controller/post.js
class postController extends app.Controller {
*index(ctx) {
post_id: 'mongoId',
page: 'int',
title: 'alphanumeric'
Fields are required in this format, for field not required, use object rule instead.
The validate function accepts second argument: the data need to be validated, which defaults to ctx.request.body.
post_id: 'mongoId',
page: 'int',
title: 'alphanumeric'
}, {
Here are some frequently used rules, see validator for all rules supported.
- contains: check if the field contains the seed.
type: 'contains',
seed: 'xxx'
- equals
type: 'equals',
// check if equals to another field
field: 'password'
// or if equals to certain literal string
literal: 'pass123'
- after: check if the field is a date that's after the specified date
type: 'after',
date: new Date(2017, 5, 7)
- alpha: check if the field contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
- alphanumeric: check if the field contains only letters and numbers.
- boolean
- decimal: check if the field represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.
- empty: check if the field has a length of zero.
- float
type: 'float',
min: 7.22,
max: 9.55,
// or
gl: 7.22, // greater than
lt: 9.55 // less than
- in: check if the field is in a array of allowed values.
type: 'in',
values: ['react', 'vue', 'angular']
- int: support min, max, gl, lt option as float, and allow_leading_zeroes option.
- JSON: check if the field is valid JSON (note: uses JSON.parse).
- length: check if the field's length falls in a range
type: length,
min: 5,
max: 50
- mobilePhone
- mongoId
- numeric
- url: check if the field is an URL.
- matches: check if field matches the pattern.
type: 'matches',
pattern: /foo/i