Better LDAP includes nodes which implement the ldapjs api. Some nodes have been simplified to help ease of use. Time has been taken to make sure that the only dependency is ldapjs. This does make the code a bit more complex but I feel it enables a better cleaner project.
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
npm install node-red-contrib-better-ldap
Or add via Manage Palette
Update Node
Update node is used to update an attribute on an LDAP object by DN
Operation, DN, Attribute, and Value can be accessed via
, msg.dn
, msg.attribute
, msg.payload
Node sets msg.ldapStatus
with the result of operation.
Search Node
Search node is used to run a search query against a LDAP server. You must use a standard LDAP filter query. More information on ldap queries can be found here
Base DN
the base LDAP object to start your search
Scope can be either base
, one
, or sub
- base - Only search the base dn. no further sub directories
- one - Search only one directory down from the base dn
- sub - Search all directories and sub directories
LDAP filter criteria
Attributes to be returned for each object. A comma separated list of attributes to change.
Default attributes are defined. They are targeted toward user queries.
, userPrincipalName
, sAMAccountName
, objectSID
, mail
, whenCreated
, pwdLastSet
, userAccountControl
, sn
, givenName
, initials
, cn
, displayName
, description
, title
, department
, company
If you wanted to search for all objects where firstName
starts with te
would use the filter (firstName=te*)
where te
is the search term and *
is a wild card.
Host, port, username, and password are required to configure a new LDAP client. Noting special is required at for ldap connection. At this time a TLS connection is not available. If I get enough requests and someone willing ot test it I am more than happy to add the feature.
See license