In today's fast-paced financial markets, keeping track of news affecting your stock portfolio can be a daunting and time-consuming task especially when your portfolio contains many individual stocks, mutual funds and cryptocurrencies. Even more challenging is understanding the overall sentiment of the news related to each stock, which can be pivotal in making informed investment decisions. Folio Feed addresses this gap by offering a one-stop solution to aggregate, analyze, and visualize news articles for the stocks in your portfolio.
Folio Feed not only aggregates news from multiple, reputable sources but also employs advanced AI sentiment analysis to categorize each article as positive, negative, or neutral. Through an easy-to-use dashboard, Folio Feed empowers investors to keep their fingers on the pulse of companies they have invested in, without having to sift through a myriad of news portals and financial reports.
With Folio Feed, stay updated and make smarter investment choices, even on your busiest days.
- Web Application
- Data Fetcher
- Data Analyzer
- Backend: Python, Django
- Testing: Pytest, Unittest
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
- Database: Postgresql
- Message Broker: RabbitMQ
- Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes (Google Kubernetes Engine), Helm, Terraform, Google Cloud Platform
- CI/CD: Git Actions
- Monitoring: Google Managed Prometheus, Google Cloud Monitoring
flowchart LR
A((User)) --> B[Web Application]
B --> C[Data Fetcher] --> N[External News API]
C --> D[Messaging Queue]
C -- Cron Job --> C
E[Data Analyzer] --> S[Sentiment Analysis Model API]
D --> E
E --> F[(Database)]
F --> E
B --> F
C --> F
B --> A
graph LR
news_api[News API]
subgraph github
repo[repo] -- push --> on_push_action[On Push Action]
repo -- merge --> on_merge_action[On Merge Action]
on_push_action -- Test --> repo
subgraph GCP
NLP_AI[Vertex AI]
subgraph GKE
DF["Data Fetcher (Cron Job)"]
DA[Data Analyzer]
WA[Django Web application]
ing[GKE Ingress]
DF --> DB
DF -- every n hours --> DF
MQ --> DA
DA --> DB
WA --> DB
ing -- / --> WA
ing -- "/api (RESTful API)" --> WA
prometheus[GKE Managed Prometheus]
GKE -- pull image --> GCR
on_merge_action -- helm deploy --> GKE
DA -- sentiment analysis --> NLP_AI
prometheus -- metrics --> monitoring[Google Cloud Monitoring]
dev -- changes --> repo
on_merge_action -- image build --> GCR
DF -- NEWS Data --> news_api
user -- HTTPS Requests--> ing
ing -- Response --> user
TF[Terraform] -- deploy --> GCP
dev -- infrastructure changes --> TF