👋 Hi, I’m @GingerSpacetail
👀 I’m interested in AI in Healthcare
🌱 I’m a ML professional and a constant learner with competencies in MedTech, Maths and Economics on a mission to create value in the healthcare industry
💞️ I’m happy to collaborate on AI in Healthcare:
- NLP (from patient records or biopsy reports to molecular design),
- Computer vision problems in medical imaging (e.g. organs, tissues, target structures delineation),
- ML for radiology and radiotherapy (e.g. image biomarkers feature extraction, classification problems for malignant /benign tumor, dose delivery and distribution, SPECT/PET/MRI reconstruction algorithms improvement),
- DL deployment in genomics, radiomics, multi-omics.
📫 How to reach me: telegram @gingerspacetail