Classes and interfaces for dealing with shipment items
$ composer require germania-kg/shipping
This package requires germania-kg/tracking package.
The ShipmentItemInterface extends Germania\Shipping\DeliveryNoteNumberProviderInterface and Germania\Tracking\TrackingInfoAwareInterface and \JsonSerializable . So these methods are provided:
- getDeliveryNoteNumber
- getTrackingInfo
- setTrackingInfo
- jsonSerialize
The ShipmentItem class implements ShipmentItemInterface and additionally provides setter methods setTrackingInfo and setDeliveryNoteNumber:
use Germania\Shipping\ShipmentItem;
use Germania\Tracking\TrackingInfo;
// Prepare components
$tracking_info = new TrackingInfo;
// Use setters
$item = new ShipmentItem;
$item->setDeliveryNoteNumber( "123456" );
$item->setTrackingInfo( $tracking_info );
// Use getters
echo $item->getDeliveryNoteNumber(); // "123456"
echo $item->getTrackingInfo()->getTrackingLink(); // ""
echo $item->getTrackingInfo()->getTrackingID(); // "foo"
The fromArray method accepts both array and ArrayAccess with these keys required:
- delivery_note_number
- tracking_id
- tracking_link
Anything else passed will trigger a InvalidArgumentException or UnexpectedValueException respectively.
use Germania\Shipping\ShipmentItemFactory;
use Germania\Shipping\ShipmentItemInterface;
$item_factory = new ShipmentItemFactory;
$item = $item_factory->fromArray([
'delivery_note_number' => '123456',
'tracking_id' => 'foo',
'tracking_link' => ''
echo ($item instanceOf ShipmentItemInterface)
? "OK" : "huh?";
Bundles multiple shipment items and lets you add a textual description. It additionally implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable, and \JsonSerializable:
use Germania\Shipping\ShipmentItemBundle;
// Prepare
$item1 = new ShipmentItem; #...
$item2 = new ShipmentItem; #...
$items = array(
// Setup bundle
$description = "Optional: textual desription";
$bundle = new ShipmentItemBundle( $items, $description);
$bundle = new ShipmentItemBundle( $items);
// Add item
$bundle->push( new ShipmentItem );
// Play
$array = $bundle->getDeliveryNoteNumbers();
echo $bundle->getDescription();
echo count( $bundle ); // int 3
foreach ($bundle as $item) {
echo $item->getDeliveryNoteNumber();
echo json_encode( $bundle );
$ git clone shipping
$ cd shipping
$ composer install
# Run PhpUnit
$ composer test