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Pub/Sub Store pubsub-store

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Pub/sub store and provider that use Mongoose-like schema to separate clients from data stores using a consistent protocol. At the same time maintaining the benefits of underlying pub/sub bus by allowing other listeners to subscribe to CRUD events.

Multiple stores, possibly with different underlying databases, can service requests as long as they expose the same protocol.

Providers can be used to create/update entities while others providers subscribe to notifications.

Providers support duplex streaming of entities.

Integrates nicely with graphql-schema-builder. See Examples for GraphQL client example.

NB: Currently assuming providers and underlying DB backends use the same query language.

Table of contents


Library requires > Node 8.x with native async/await support.


yarn add pubsub-store


npm install --save pubsub-store



Exposes the underlying store in a convenient format.

Implements Duplex stream to create and receive created entities. See Streaming for more details.


constructor({ schema, transport, getSubjects, options: { batchSize, highWaterMark, noAckStream, timeout }}

  • schema

    A schema object. See Schema for details.

  • transport

    A connected transport instance. Must have request, subscribe and unsubscribe methods with following signatures:

    const transport = {
      request(subject, msg, options, cb) {
        // ...
      subscribe(subject, cb) {
        // ...
        return subscriptionId;
      unsubscribe(subscriptionId) {
        // ...
  • getSubjects

    Optional function that returns protocol subjects. Default implementation in subjects.js.

  • options optional

    • batchSize

      Maximum result batch size. If there are more query results than batchSize, results will be loaded in batches of that size.

    • highWaterMark

      When set, the stream will push messages in chunks of that size.

    • noAckStream

      When true, allows piping to provider without acknowledgement, i.e. fire and forget.

    • timeout

      Query timeout in milliseconds (default: 1000).


Returns a number of entities matching conditions.

  • conditions

    Conditions to count entities based on.


Returns a number of all entities in store (excluding those marked as deleted).

create(object, projection)

Creates an entity based on object and returns projected fields of the new entity.

  • object

    Object with the fields to set.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from created entity to be returned.

delete(conditions, projection)

Deletes entities based on conditions and returns projected fields of deleted entities.

  • conditions

    Conditions to delete entities based on.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from deleted entities to be returned.

deleteById(id, projection)

Deletes an entity based on id and returns projected fields of deleted entity.

  • id

    ID to delete an entity based on.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from deleted entity to be returned.

find(conditions, projection, options)

Find entities based on conditions and returns projected fields of found entities.

  • conditions

    Conditions to find entities based on.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from found entities to be returned.

  • options optional

    Query options (e.g. limit).

findAll(projection, options)

Find all entities and returns projected fields of found entities.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from found entities to be returned.

  • options optional

    Query options (e.g. limit).

findById(id, projections)

Find entities based on id and returns projected fields of found entity.

  • id

    ID to find an entity based on.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from found entity to be returned.

updateById(id, object, projection)

Updates an entity based on id using object and returns projected fields of the updated entity.

  • id

    ID to update an entity based on.

  • object

    Object that is used to update the matching entity.

  • projection

    Projection of the fields from updated entity to be returned.



Emitted when an entity create event is received from the underlying message bus.


Emitted when an entity update event is received from the underlying message bus.

create and update event listeners have the following signature:


Emitted from either Readable or Writable side of the Duplex stream instead of an error. In case of Writable this prevents any upstreams from unpiping.

function listener(err, query) { /* ... */ }


Since Provider implements Duplex stream class, entities can be piped to and from a provider instance.

const provider = new SomeProvider({ /* */ });

// Entities received from the message bus will be piped to someWritableStream

// Entities from someReadableStream will be piped to the message bus

See client-nats-streaming example for more details.


Exposes count, create, find and update methods over the pub/sub bus to be consumed by providers.


constructor({ buildModel, schema, transport, getSubjects })

  • buildModel

    A function that builds a model based on a schema. A model must have count, create, find and update methods that accept protocol arguments.

    create must handle object being both a single object or an array.

    See server-nats-mongo example for more details.

    function buildModel(schema) {
      return {
        count(conditions)                     { /* */ },
        create(object, projection)            { /* */ },
        find(conditions, projection, options) { /* */ },
        update(conditions, object, options)   { /* */ }
  • schema

    A schema object. See Schema for details.

  • transport

    A connected transport instance. Must have subscribe and unsubscribe methods with following signatures:

    const transport = {
      subscribe(subject, cb) {
        // ...
        return subscriptionId;
      unsubscribe(subscriptionId) {
        // ...
  • getSubjects

    Optional function that returns protocol subjects. Default implementation in subjects.js.


Subscribes to all subjects, effectively starting the store.


Unsubscribes from all subjects, effectively stopping the store.


Events are emitted on corresponding request errors.

  • create-error

  • find-error

  • update-error


getSubjects(name, { prefixes, suffix })

Function that can be passed to both Provider and Store constructors and returns protocol subjects based on schema name.

  • name

    Schema name.

  • prefixes

    Object with subject prefixes. Defaults to:

    const Prefixes = {
      count:  'count',
      create: 'create',
      find:   'find',
      update: 'update'
  • suffix optional

    Subject suffix (default: '', empty string)


Protocol is implemented by Provider and Store and is presented here for reference.

NB: Currently assuming providers and underlying DB backends use the same query language.

NB: Projections cannot have both included and excluded fields.


  result: resultObject // or an array, or a value


  error: {
    message: "Error details"

Count Method

Count request is published to count.schema-name subject by default. Returns the number of entities matching conditions.

  conditions: {
    field1: 'value 2',
    // etc.

Create Method

Create request is published to create.schema-name subject by default. Returns a newly-created entity or a list of entities with projection applied.

  object: {
    field1: 'value 1',
    field2: 2
    // etc.
  projection: {
    field1: 1
    field2: 1
    // etc.

Find Method

Find request is published to find.schema-name subject by default. Returns a list of entities matching conditions with projection applied or an empty list.

  conditions: {
    field1: 'value 2',
    // etc.
  projection: {
    field1: 1
    field2: 1
    // etc.
  options: {
    limit: 1
    // etc.

Update Method

Update request is published to update.schema-name subject by default. Returns an updated entity with projection applied or an empty list.

  conditions: {
    field1: 'value 2',
    // etc.
  object: {
    $set: {
        field2: 3
    // etc.
  projection: {
    field1: 1
    field2: 1
    // etc.
  options: {
    multi: true
    // etc.


fields can be either an object or a function accepting { Mixed, ObjectId }. See Mongoose Guide for more details about Schema definition.

Schema format is shared with graphql-schema-builder.

const schemas = {
  Asset: {
    name:        'Asset',
    description: 'An asset.',

    fields: ({ Mixed, ObjectId }) => ({
      customer: {
        description: 'Customer that this asset belongs to.',

        type:     ObjectId,
        ref:      'Customer',
        required: true

      parent: {
        type:     ObjectId,
        ref:      'Asset',
        required: false

      name: {
        type:     String,
        required: true

    dynamicFields: ({ ObjectId }) => ({
      sensors: {
        type: [ObjectId],
        ref:  'Sensor'

  Customer: {
    name:        'Customer',
    description: 'A customer.',

    fields: {
      name: {
        description: 'The name of the customer.',

        type:     String,
        required: true

      // Will result in subtype
      metadata: {
        created: {
          type:     Date,
          required: true

    dynamicFields: ({ Mixed, ObjectId }) => ({
      assets: {
        type: [ObjectId],
        ref:  'Asset'

  Sensor: {
    name:        'Sensor',
    description: 'A sensor that must be connected to an asset.',

    fields: ({ Mixed, ObjectId }) => ({
      externalId: {
        type:     String,
        required: false

      asset: {
        description: 'An asset that this sensor is connected to.',

        type:     ObjectId,
        ref:      'Asset',
        required: true

      name: {
        type:     String,
        required: false


See examples for NATS, Mongo/Mongoose, GraphQL and streaming examples.


  • Abstract pub/sub bus interface into transport adapters
  • In-code documentation
  • Implement bulk update
  • Implement deleting as opposed to marking as deleted
  • Implement aggregate
