Create a GeoTIFF Tile using an Inline Web Worker
<script src=""></script>
npm install geotiff-tile-web-worker
import { createWorker } from "geotiff-tile-web-worker";
const worker = createWorker();
const result = await worker.createTile({
// url to a geotiff
url: "",
// bounding box of tile in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
bbox: [-95.976562, 29.535232, -95.888671, 29.611673]
// result is
height: 256,
width: 256,
tile: [
Uint8Array[...], // first band
Uint8Array[...], // second band
Uint8Array[...], // third band
import { createWorker } from "geotiff-tile-web-worker";
const worker = createWorker();
// url to a GeoTIFF file
url: "",
// bounding box of tile in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
bbox: [-96.01226806640625, 29.616445727622548, -96.01089477539062, 29.61763959537609],
// spatial reference system of the bounding box as an EPSG Code number
// default is 4326
bbox_srs: 4326,
// geometry to clip by in GeoJSON format
cutline: geojson,
// spatial reference system of cutline
// default is 4326
cutline_srs: 4326,
// set to higher number to increase logging
// default is 0
debug_level: 0,
// over-ride no data value set in geotiff metadata
geotiff_no_data: 0,
// resampling method
// default is "near"
method: "max",
// round pixel values to integers
// default is false
round: true,
// override default nested tile array types
tile_array_types: ["Array", "Uint8ClampedArray"],
// if tile_array_types is not specified, choose the strategy for deciding which type of arrays:
// auto - safest and default option, only uses typed array if it's sure there won't be any clamping
// geotiff - use the same array types that geotiff.js uses (good if not stretching min or max)
// untyped - use only untyped arrays
// undefined - same as auto
tile_array_types_strategy: "untyped",
// layout using xdim layout syntax:
tile_layout: "[band][row,column]",
// projection of the tile as an EPSG code
// default is 3857
tile_srs: 3857,
// tile height in pixel
// default is 256
tile_height: 512,
// over-ride default "no data" value in output tile
tile_no_data: 0,
// width of tile in pixels
// default is 256
tile_width: 512,
// whether to use overviews if available
// default is true
use_overview: false,
// enable experimental turbocharging via proj-turbo
// default is false
turbo: false
// stop web worker