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GeoNode PSC Meeting, 2020 09 03

Florian Hoedt edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 2 revisions


Thursday 03 September 2020 11.00am UTC+2


Thünen Institute WebEx



  • @afabiani Alessio Fabiani
  • @francbartoli - Francesco Bartoli
  • @t-book - Toni Schönbucher
  • @giohappy - Giovanni Allegri
  • @gannebamm - Florian Hoedt

Discuss current work on the GeoNode REST API v2

@afabiani currently works on RESTifiying the GeoNode models to enable CRUD operations. The concept is shown here:

This is an ongoing process to decouple the GeoNode Django backend from the Frontend and midterm enabling Singe-Page-Application frontends. This ongoing iterative development will lead to a GeoNode core API which later can be used as basis for GeoNode v4.

Discuss the GeoNode v4.0 vision

GeoNode will provide a GeoNode specific API for all the features it is known and used for, like identity management and organising non directly geographical data content like dashboards, maps and documents, etc. Additionally interfaces defined in the OGC-API will be delivered by for example pygeoapi. This will enable two seperate entrypoints for CRUD operations which will coexist - just like currently the OGC OWS coexist with the REST API v1.

@gannebamm has updated the GeoNode v4 vision md file:

News from the NFDI4Agri proposal

Inside the german research grant 'NFDI' the NFDI4Agri consortium writes a proposal. @gannebamm is part of the proposal as co-applicant institution and inside the workingprogramme a spatial datahub is drafted. The idea is to align the GeoNode community ideas for GeoNode v4 with the needs of the consortium and together built GeoNode v4. It will serve as reference implementation of a research data ready and FAIR datahub.

Creation of fundable working packages for GeoNode REST API v2

To help GeoSolutions in the ongoing process of developing the REST API v2 for GeoNode v3.x there shall be well defined working packages. These working packages can be seperatly funded and be worked upon. The PSC decides that companies with known experience with the GeoNode core are well versed candidates for 3rd party funded development services.


  • @giohappy will draft working packages until the end of september
  • @gannebamm will create the meeting notes

Next meeting

To be discussed

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