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Human action recognition in photographs / still images [work in progress].


  • Keras using JupyterLab
  • Matlab (obsolete)


Human action recognition is a standard Computer Vision problem and has been well studied in video interpretation/ understanding. But some actions in video are static by nature ("taking a photo") and only require recognition methods based on static cues. In this project, I propose an AI algorithm/ CNN model to recognise seven human actions using a photograph.

Human actions/ classes:

  1. Interacting with computer,
  2. Photographing,
  3. Playing Instrument,
  4. Riding Bike,
  5. Riding Horse,
  6. Running,
  7. Walking.

Dataset - examples

Dataset of 560 color images of size 500 x 500 (landscape and portrait formats).

  • Training set: 420
  • Test set: 140
Interacting with computer Photographing Playing Instrument Riding Bike
Riding Horse Running Walking

Model architecture & performance

### V2 - In progress - Validation accuracy: X %

Updated model architecture based on V1 flaws (see "Model architecture"). Added a validation set different from the test test by splitting the training set.

Optimizer: RMSProp
Loss: categorical cross-entropy
Metrics: categorical accuracy

#### Model architecture


  • 6 to 4 convolution layers
  • Regularization -> added an L2 kernel regularizer on convolutional layers with a learning rate of 0.01
  • Dropout regularization -> updated rates:
    • hidden layers: rate of 0.4 (instead of 0.25)
    • output layer: rate of 0.2 (instead of 0.5)
  • Weight initialization
  • Weight constraints

## V1 - Overfitted - Validation accuracy: 20%

Optimizer: RMSProp
Loss: categorical cross-entropy
Metrics: categorical accuracy
Training Accuracy Training Loss Validation Accuracy Validation Loss
86,22 % 25.69 17,24 % 2170.73

(*) Averages/ mean values over 50 epochs

Loss and accuracy curves

Loss Accuracy

Confusion matrix:

Clear overfitting. The model appears to be too complex for the task. Possible causes:

  • too many filters,
  • disproportionated training and test sets: no validation set, test set used for validation and testing -> split the data using the 70/10/20 ratio: 70% training, 10% validation, 20% test

Possible solutions:

  • Regularization -> use a kernel regularizer on convolutional layers to simplify the network and minimize loss.
  • Dropout regularization -> ignore a random subset of units in a layer during training (weights set to zero) to minimize the network's complexity.
  • Weight initialization -> set neurons' weights before training to reduce the time needed to get to the global minimum of our loss function / kernel initializer.
  • Weight constraints -> set a limit to the size of the network weights (magnitude) / kernel constraint.
  • Data augmentation: increase the size of the training set -> generate more data without altering the original images (rotation, shift, scale, zoom, flip).
  • Increase the image resolution -> use full size (500x500) instead of 350x350.

#### Model architecture

6 encoding layers followed by down sampling layers (max pooling), dropout layers to avoid overfitting. Classifier composed of a dense/ fully connected layer + a softmax output layer of 7 units for all 7 classes.