All code is in R and depends on packages from CRAN and Bioconductor.
Code automatically downloads data from Synapse project.
Data is available from Synapse
First, install ENSEMBL v70 annotations
R CMD INSTALL library/EnsDb.Hsapiens.v70_0.0.tar.gz
You will need to install additional packages that R requests including the R SynapseClient.
Differential expression concordance
Run first analysis in R:
CNV plots:
Concordance between this dataset and CommonMind, NIMH HBCC
Note: requires proper to permissions from the CommonMind project:
You must register with Synapse and have permission to read download this data
Coexpression analysis:
eQTL enrichment analysis:
# Generate files with run_eQTL_enrichments.R
# Run analysis with enrichment_analysis.R based on bash code at the end of run_eQTL_enrichments.R