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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 6, 2022. It is now read-only.


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The lost item tracking helper


  • /documents: The reports for each week progress.
  • /proposal: Paragraphs for each section of our first report
  • /src: software/hardwares source code.
  • /presentations: Slides for the presentation in March.
  • /final-report: Paragraphs for the final report.

Work Flow

If you want to update any document or source code in the repository, please follow the work flow and the naming convention to maintain the consistency.


  1. Issue
  2. Branch
  3. Work
  4. Commit
  5. Push & pull request


Before you start to work on either document or sourcode, make sure you browse the issue section to see if there is already an existing issue related to what you're going to work on. If you found one, than go to step 2-1.

If there is no such issue you're looking for, create a new one then. Condense the title and add more details in the description. Add the correct lable to it and assignees as well.

Read more about the issue labels

2-1. Check out the branch

Check out the corresponding branch on your local working space. If the issue you found is #13, then the branch name should be like issue-#13-xxxx. xxxx can be fix or update.

2-2. Create a new aranch based on that issue.

If you can't find the issue about what you need to work on, create a new one on your own. Here is the naming convention:


  • NUMBER: the number of the corresponding issue.
    • update: for report updating or feature updating, mainly for something continuously updating.
    • fix: for fixing a bug or typo, mainly for something happen one time only.

3. Work.

As title, work on your branch and make sure you're on the right branch already. You can use git branch to check it.

4. Commit

To commit, here is the commit message:



  • TYPE: Update or Fix. same as the ACTION on the branch name
    • Update: for report updating or feature updating, mainly for something continuously updating.
    • Fix: for fixing a bug or typo, mainly for something happen one time only.
  • SUBJECT LINE: briefly describe your changes.
  • DESCRIPTION: describe the change in more details.
    • Close: to close of the branch and the issue forever (theoretically).
    • Update: there should be future updating continuously.
  • ISSUE NUMBER: the issue number.

e.g. Update the report

Update: Rewrite the project concept.

Condense the project concept and add two new diagrams.

Closes #1234

e.g. Fix a bug

Fix: Added missing header

The app header was deleted accidently, added it back.

Closes #12345

Please review your change before every commit, which will massively reduce the possibility of finding bugs or typos after push the commit.

5. Push & pull request

After you push your commit, make a pull request on Github. Everyone can review your change and add comment. After reviewing I will either merge it to the master or ask you to do some change.

Issue labels

Here are the categories of the issue labels, one issue can be assigned one or more labels.

Label Name Description
final report related to final report.
enhancement software functionality enhancement.
bug software bugs.
hardware hardware related.
presentation related to the presenation.
project management anything related to the project magement
proposal related to the proposal content.
weekly documents weekly unsorted records.
report anything related to text, including final report, proposal and weekly documents.

External Resources