##About Candybot is a simple bot that gives a candy for social actions. Run from a Raspberry Pi.
Current version: v0.2
##Changelog: v0.2 - Add Twitter Stream API to listen tweets, remove button (started twitter api request to check bot mentions in tweets). It works faster and overcome api time rate limit.
v0.1 - First prototype. But listen whether his name is mentined in Twitter, as well as a secret code he give to a User. If user tweet a message with @fun_robots and some secret code, he will get a candy. Just simple, just fun
##Instructions for makers
- Setup your RaspberryPi with python environment
sudo pip install twitter
(download https://pypi.python.org/pypi/twitter with stream methods)sudo apt-get install python3-gpiozero
sudo easy_install -U RPIO
Setup config for Twitter Workapble packages: python-twitter (or twython, tweepy)
Clone git repository
Create file secret.py and add the following strings (don't forget to put real credentials there):
TW_CONSUMER_KEY='put_your_consumer_key_here' TW_CONSUMER_SECRET='put_your_consumer_secret_here' TW_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY='put_your__access_token_key_here' TW_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='put_your_access_token_secret_here'
sudo python candybot.py
##References for examples and tips