A small collection of Processing programs, prepared for the Generative Art Workshop: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Delft-Developers-Designers/events/261482407/
Processing is a wonderful and flexible environment for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts (see https://processing.org for more information).
Overview of the slides in the presentation that are linked to exercises:
- slide 23: exercise 1 => a point and a line
- slide 25: exercise 2 => println, size, background and ellipse
- slide 26: exercise 3 => point, line, rectangle and ellipse
- slide 29: exercise 4 => a whole bunch of shapes
- slide 31: exercise 5 => background, stroke and fill color
- slide 33: exercise 6 => random colors and lines
- slide 35: exercise 7 => PDF with random colors and lines
The code of the exercises and example screenshots are visible here: code and screenshots.
October 2019, Tim van den Bosch and Freek de Bruijn.
The contents of this repository are open source and licensed under the Apache License 2.0, except the Pixels_and_Modulo example that has been written by Antonio Belluscio.