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Francisco edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the goblins wiki!

GOBLINS MOD (Mobs Redo Addon) for MINETEST

by FreeLikeGNU

This mod adds several Goblins (and Goblin Dogs) to Minetest that spawn near ore deposits or lairs underground.

  • Goblins dig caves, destroy torches, create lairs, set traps, cultivate mushrooms and some are aggressive.
  • Gobdogs will roam caves, bury bones and other items in soft terrain, eat meats. Some Gobdogs are aggressive!
  • Basic trading with Goblins - the more you trade with a goblin, the more likely you will get things in return!
  • Goblins have a territorial framework for location based interactions, if you trade with more Goblins of a territory your trades will be easier!
  • Harming goblins will negatively affect your trade with all gobins in a territory!
  • If you brandish weapons (including axes) around a goblin it may decide to attack!
  • Goblins and Gobdogs will defend each other. You can have them defend other mobs by simply adding to: on_spawn = function(self) the following: self.groups = {"goblin_friend", "gobdog_friend"} in your own mobs definition!
  • There are many settings now accessible from the minetest menu -> "settings" tab -> "all settings" -> "mods" -> "goblins" list! these can also be defined in the settingtypes.txt
  • Goblin and Gobdog spawning is now configured from goblins_spawning.lua (at least until there is a way to easily change these with the setting menu :P )
  • A basic and optional (enabled in minetest setting menu) HUD is available
  • Goblins will quickly burrow to avoid light damage
  • tested with Minetest 5.2 and 5.30(dev)
  • based on MOBS-MOD by PilzAdam, KrupnovPavel, Zeg9, TenPlus1


  • cleanup codebase, parametric spawning/attributes of goblins
    • currently the goblins lua is large and cludgy. Idealy there will be one mobs_goblins:goblin mob registered, but it will take on appearance and attributes based on environmental factors where it is spawned. Nearly DONE (with goblin templates)
    • a goblin_type parameter needs to be implemented DONE
  • goblin related creatures and flora
    • goblins that are comfortable (near a fair amount of mossycobble, well underground -50 or so) should cultivate foods that goblins like: mushrooms (done), molepigs, beefworms.
  • There should be some pesky creatures such as large spiders, large cave rats, werechickens etc.
  • goblin waterways/sewers underground
  • better sounds - COMPLETED
    • current pig sounds for goblins are sad. Adventuretest game has good soundfx for goblins 😄
  • model and animation improvements
    • Current model is ok, but stands a bit to straight
    • Model should be made for armor texture application
    • Animation could be more goblin like (sulking, shifty, sniffing about, sneaking, goblin dancings etc) and less player-like
    • rework texture maps
    • I've run out of space using the current texture map based on player. A refactor and larger texture map may be needed.
  • goblin armor - should be able to have some kind of rudimentary armor shown as they appear.
  • goblin tools - wield tools and weapons during construction/fighting and other tasks DONE!.
  • goblins acting as groups - goblins now defend each other and keep track of player interations DONE!
  • goblins should call for backup, run from player to goblin groups for ambush, build out lairs etc...
  • goblins creating traps - DONE thanks to Duane-r
  • nasty things triggered only by player (short drops, explosives, sprung spikes, etc) --Ideas that probably won't be added to mod:
  • goblins stealing things from players that are snuck up upon.
  • some goblins should be good at staying behind the player and attempt to steal something (there should be some way to clue players that this is about to happen)

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