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Compiler for statically typed language - Imperial Year 2 project as part of BEng Computing

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Git Process

Rebase vs. Merge

Rebasing allows fitting multiple histories together, whereas merge takes the end result of the histories and merges the changes it sees. This is not good!

Updating from remote

Instead of using git pull, please first git fetch and then git rebase <remote-name>/<remote-branch> whilst checked out in the branch you are updating.

If you have made changes, it may be that you need to run git push <remote-name> <remote-branch> -f to force your changes up to the remote. However please be careful doing this as it does overwrite changes irreversibly.

After a pull request has been merged

To ensure any branches that are being worked on are up to date relative to the master, after a merge has been committed to master, it's really important to go through the following process:

  • Checkout the master branch
  • git fetch
  • git rebase origin/master
  • Checkout the branch to be updated
  • git rebase master or branch that this branch is based off (normally master)

Merging to master

Merging to master should only be done through the GitHub interface. If you see a merge commit pop up, you've done something wrong.

NEVER work on master


  -> wacc

The above explains the structure of the test suite for the project. All tests should be within the test directory, and then maintain the same directory structure as the src directory, appending Test to the name of the class it tests.

e.g. for a class ASTNode within a package wacc.AST, this would be the file structure:

  -> wacc
    -> AST

Adding tests

New tests are automatically run if they are in the test directory

Test dependencies

The tests presume the use of standard JUnit 4 libraries. Simply import the libraries you wish to use in your test and the testing should work out of the box.

Reference class

package wacc;

import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class MainTest {

    public void test_test() {
        assertTrue(Main.test_test() == 0);


tests the following class:

package wacc;


public class Main {


    public static int test_test() {
      return 0;

Provided files/directories


The antlr directory contains simple example ANTLR lexer and parser specification files BasicLexer.g4 and Basic.g4, along with a script antlrBuild that builds the corresponding Java class files using the ANTLR libraries (more details below).


The lib directory contains the ANTLR library files in antlr-4.4-complete.jar. You should not need to make any changes in this directory.


The src directory is currently empty (apart from a simple README file) and is where we expect you to write your compiler code.


The grun script allows you to run the ANTLR TestRig program that can assist you in debugging you lexer and parser (more details below).


The compile script should be edited to provide a front-end interface to your WACC compiler. You are free to change the language used in this script, but do not change its name (more details below).


Your Makefile should be edited so that running 'make' in the root directory builds your WACC compiler. Currently running 'make' will call the antlrBuild script and the attempt to compile all .java files within the src directory. Depending on the structure of your code, you might not need to modify this file.

Using the provided scripts


This script takes a pair of ANTLR lexer and parser configuration files (set within the script) and creates the corresponding Java classes that you can use in your compiler. The Java files are written to the src/antlr directory and should not be modified by hand. By default this script is set up to generate a parse tree and a listerner pattern for traversing this tree, but you can modify the compilation options within the script if you want to produce different outputs

Important! - running the antlrBuild script will overwrite the antlr directory in the src directory. We heavily suggest you do not write any of your code within the src/antlr directory


This script provides access to the ANTLR TestRig program. You will probably find this helpful for testing your lexer and parser. The script is just a wrapper for the TestRig in the project environment. You need to tell it what grammar to use what rule to start parsing with and what kind of output you want.

For example: ./grun antlr.Basic prog -tokens will run the TestRig using the 'Basic' grammar, starting from the rule fo 'prog' and outputting the tokens seen by the lexer. To see how the parser groups these tokens you can use the -tree or -gui options instead, such as: ./grun antlr.Basic prog -gui In either case you will need to type in your input program and then close the input stream with ctrl-D.

Rather than typing your input programs in by hand, you can pass the TestRig a file to read by piping it in through stdin with ./grun antlr.Basic expr -gui < testfile When using the TestRig in this way you won't need to hit ctrl-D to close the input stream as the EOF character in the file does this for you.


This script currently writes a TODO: message to the console, but you should update it to call the the main class of your compiler with appropriate arguments. Note that the lab's automated testing service will be using this script as the access point to your compiler.

You will need to add the ANTLR jar file to the classpath of your calls to Java if you want to be able to use any of the built in ANTLR features. You can do this be setting the -cp option on the command line e.g. java -cp bin:lib/antlr-4.4-complete.jar of call... note that the bin: ensures that the bin directory is still part of your java classpath.


Compiler for statically typed language - Imperial Year 2 project as part of BEng Computing






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Contributors 4
