Additional documentation at Docs
import { ClassifyResult, Insight } from '@foyer-inc/insight-sdk'
//can be initialized with authorization and other defaults or with nothing
const insight = new Insight() or new Insight(options)
const options = {
// bypass login call by providing authorization
// defaults to ''
authorization: string,
// run full model even if cached data exists for this image
// defaults to false
force: boolean,
// must be true for class methods to function
// defaults to false
includeSegmentations: boolean,
// returns tagpoints for location of detection
// defaults to false
includeTagpoints: boolean,
// if only certain detections should be returned include them here
// defaults to ['all']
detectionsRequested: string[]
* if not initialized with authorization string you may call login with
* credentials. The authorization token is returned and is also
* automatically added to your insight instance
const authorization = await insight.login('email', 'password')
const url = ''
const file = //base 64 encoded string representation of image
*Below are example calls to the classification service
* you can use async/await or promise with a callback function
const result: ClassifyResult = await insight.classify(url)
//Can include a variety of options
//options provided will overrule those set on the insight instance
const anotherResult: ClassifyResult = await insight.classify(url, options)
//Can also send a bulk request with an array of urls or files
const bulkResult: ClassifyResult[] = await insight.bulkClassify([url, url, url], options)
.then( (result: ClassifyResult) => {
// additional work or call class methods
// A sample of functions available on the result
// an image, as a base64 encoded string, with the requested detection blurred
const blurredImage = await result.blurDetection('detectionName')
// an image of the requested detection with a transparent background
const extractedImage = await result.extractDetection('detectionName')
// returns an array of shape [r,g,b] for the dominant color of the named detection
const color = await result.getDetectionColor('detectionName')
//can also be passed the already extracted detection
const anotherColor = await result.getDetectionColor(extractedImage)
//also possible to check if a detection exists in the result
//returns true or false if detection is present
const found = result.checkDetection('detectionName')
//returns true or false if all detections listed are present
const multipleFound = result.checkDetection(['detectionName', 'anotherDetectionName'])