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Introduce unique entities in order to reduce redundant communication …
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termi-official committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 87b60e3 commit b365ed0
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Showing 17 changed files with 649 additions and 363 deletions.
296 changes: 194 additions & 102 deletions docs/Manifest.toml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
BlockArrays = "8e7c35d0-a365-5155-bbbb-fb81a777f24e"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
Ferrite = "c061ca5d-56c9-439f-9c0e-210fe06d3992"
FerriteDistributed = "570c3397-5fe4-4792-be0d-48dbf0d14605"
HYPRE = "b5ffcf37-a2bd-41ab-a3da-4bd9bc8ad771"
IterativeSolvers = "42fd0dbc-a981-5370-80f2-aaf504508153"
Literate = "98b081ad-f1c9-55d3-8b20-4c87d4299306"
MPI = "da04e1cc-30fd-572f-bb4f-1f8673147195"
MPIPreferences = "3da0fdf6-3ccc-4f1b-acd9-58baa6c99267"
Metis = "2679e427-3c69-5b7f-982b-ece356f1e94b"
PartitionedArrays = "5a9dfac6-5c52-46f7-8278-5e2210713be9"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ext/FerriteDistributedHYPREAssembly.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module FerriteDistributedHYPREAssembly

using FerriteDistributed
# TODO remove me. These are merely hotfixes to split the extensions trasiently via an internal API.
import FerriteDistributed: getglobalgrid, num_local_true_dofs, num_local_dofs, global_comm, interface_comm, global_rank, compute_owner, remote_entities, num_fields
import FerriteDistributed: getglobalgrid, num_local_true_dofs, num_local_dofs, global_comm, interface_comm, global_rank, compute_owner, remote_entities, num_fields, local_entities
using MPI
using HYPRE
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
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57 changes: 30 additions & 27 deletions ext/FerriteDistributedHYPREAssembly/conversion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,50 +27,53 @@ function FerriteDistributed.extract_local_part!(u::Vector{T}, uh::HYPREVector, d
# TODO speed this up and better API
dgrid = getglobalgrid(dh)
for sv get_shared_vertices(dgrid)
lvi = sv.local_idx
my_rank != compute_owner(dgrid, sv) && continue
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, lvi)
local_dofs = vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, lvi)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(sv))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]
for lvi local_entities(sv)
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, lvi)
local_dofs = vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, lvi)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(sv))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]

for se get_shared_edges(dgrid)
lei = se.local_idx
my_rank != compute_owner(dgrid, se) && continue
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, lei)
local_dofs = edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, lei)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(se))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]
for lei local_entities(se)
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, lei)
local_dofs = edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, lei)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(se))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]

for sf get_shared_faces(dgrid)
lfi = sf.local_idx
my_rank != compute_owner(dgrid, sf) && continue
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_face_dofs(dh, field_idx, lfi)
local_dofs = face_dofs(dh, field_idx, lfi)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(sf))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]
for lfi local_entities(sf)
for field_idx in 1:num_fields(dh)
if has_face_dofs(dh, field_idx, lfi)
local_dofs = face_dofs(dh, field_idx, lfi)
global_dofs = dh.ldof_to_gdof[local_dofs]
for receiver_rank keys(remote_entities(sf))
for i 1:length(global_dofs)
# Note that u already has the correct values for all locally owned dofs due to the loop above!
gdof_value_send[receiver_rank][global_dofs[i]] = u[local_dofs[i]]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ext/FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays
using FerriteDistributed
# TODO remove me. These are merely hotfixes to split the extensions trasiently via an internal API.
import FerriteDistributed: getglobalgrid, num_global_dofs, num_local_true_dofs, num_local_dofs, global_comm, interface_comm, global_rank, compute_owner, remote_entities,
num_fields, getfieldnames, getdim
num_fields, getfieldnames, getdim, local_entities
using MPI
using PartitionedArrays
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
Expand Down
116 changes: 60 additions & 56 deletions ext/FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays/assembler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,66 +106,31 @@ struct COOAssembler{T}
ghost_dof_field_index_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len]
ghost_dof_owner = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # corresponding owner
ghost_dof_pivot_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # corresponding dof to interact with
for (pivot_vertex, pivot_shared_vertex) dgrid.shared_vertices
for pivot_shared_vertex get_shared_vertices(dgrid)
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_vertex_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_vertex)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_vertex[1]

if my_rank != pivot_vertex_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_vertex_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_vertex may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vertex) && continue
pivot_vertex_dofs = vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vertex)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_vertex_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")

# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_vertex_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)

if dim > 1
for (pivot_face, pivot_shared_face) dgrid.shared_faces
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_face_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_face)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_face[1]
for pivot_vi local_entities(pivot_shared_vertex)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_vi[1]
if my_rank != pivot_vertex_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_vertex_owner_rank]

if my_rank != pivot_face_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_face_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_face may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_shared_vertex may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_face) && continue
pivot_face_dofs = face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_face)
!has_vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vi) && continue
pivot_vertex_dofs = vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vi)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_face_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_vertex_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")

# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_face_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_vertex_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)
Expand All @@ -176,31 +141,33 @@ struct COOAssembler{T}

if dim > 2
for (pivot_edge, pivot_shared_edge) dgrid.shared_edges
if dim > 1
for pivot_shared_face get_shared_faces(dgrid)
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_edge_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_edge)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_edge[1]
pivot_face_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_face)
pivot_fi = local_entities(pivot_shared_face)[1]
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_fi[1]

if my_rank != pivot_edge_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_edge_owner_rank]
if my_rank != pivot_face_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_face_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_edge may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_shared_face may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_edge) && continue
pivot_edge_dofs = edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_edge)
!has_face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_fi) && continue
pivot_face_dofs = face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_fi)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_edge_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_face_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")

# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_edge_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_face_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)
Expand All @@ -211,6 +178,43 @@ struct COOAssembler{T}

if dim > 2
for pivot_shared_edge get_shared_edges(dgrid)
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_edge_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_edge)
for pivot_ei local_entities(pivot_shared_edge)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_ei[1]

if my_rank != pivot_edge_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_edge_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_shared_edge may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_ei) && continue
pivot_edge_dofs = edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_ei)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_edge_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")
# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_edge_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)

ghost_send_buffer_lengths = Int[length(i) for i ghost_dof_to_send]
ghost_recv_buffer_lengths = zeros(Int, destination_len)
MPI.Neighbor_alltoall!(UBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_lengths,1), UBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths,1), interface_comm(dgrid));
Expand Down
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/Entity.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
We can identify an edge uniquely by the sorted node numbers associated with the end points.
struct VertexRepresentation

We can identify an edge uniquely by the sorted node numbers associated with the end points.
struct EdgeRepresentation

function EdgeRepresentation(ab::Tuple{Int,Int})
se = Ferrite.sortedge_fast(ab)
return EdgeRepresentation(se[1], se[2])

We can identify a face uniquely by 3 sorted node numbers associated with the vertices.
3 points are sufficient, because 3 (non-aligned) points can uniquely describe a surface in 3D.
struct FaceRepresentation

function FaceRepresentation(ab::Tuple{Int,Int})
@warn "Fixme after" maxlog=1
sf = Ferrite.sortface_fast(ab)
return FaceRepresentation(-1, sf[1], sf[2])

function FaceRepresentation(abc::Union{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}, Tuple{Int,Int,Int,Int}})
sf = Ferrite.sortface_fast(abc)
return FaceRepresentation(sf[1], sf[2], sf[3])

Supertype for geometric entities.
abstract type Entity end


Vertex <: Entity
A shared vertex induced by a local vertex index and all remote vertex indices on all remote ranks.
struct Vertex <: Entity
unique_local_representation::VertexRepresentation # Identify via node in grid

Face <: Entity
A face induced by a local face index and all remote face indices on all remote ranks.
struct Face <: Entity

Edge <: Entity
An edge induced by a local edge index and all remote edge indices on all remote ranks.
struct Edge <: Entity
unique_representation::EdgeRepresentation # Identify via node in grid

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/FerriteDistributed.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Ferrite: get_coordinate_eltype, ScalarWrapper, @debug,
nnodes_per_cell, n_components, get_grid, getdim,
BoundaryIndex, FaceIndex, EdgeIndex, CellIndex, VertexIndex,
AbstractTopology, EntityNeighborhood,
AbstractCell, boundaryfunction, faces, edges, vertices, nvertices, nfaces, nedges,
AbstractGrid, AbstractCell, boundaryfunction, faces, edges, vertices, nvertices, nfaces, nedges,
cellnodes!, cellcoords!,
getfieldnames, getfieldinterpolation, default_interpolation,
reference_coordinates, value, getrefshape, dof_range, getfielddim,
Expand All @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ include("utils.jl")



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