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FAST_MT_Shop_Savvy_Bot project submission for AI 2024 competition hosted by security.AI

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A Neo4j-backed Chatbot using Python


The repository contains our submission to the SECURITY AI CHALLENGE. N|Solid


A Neo4j-OpenAI-&-OLLAMA-backed Chatbot using Python/Streamlit


Our core idea is to build a an AI shopping platform, which has whats-up like chat interface!

  1. It can listen users queries and respond with appropriate product.
  2. It can read users text based queries and respond with appropriate product.
  3. It can process an input video and analyze user query related to the given video then respond with suitable similar products in which user is specifically intrested.

For more details checkout quick video demos here in demo directory or detilaed documentation here

To run the application locally, you must setup following things

  1. CLIP Model (for video processing)
  2. OLLAMA or OPEN AI account
  3. Neo4j Desktop Version
  4. secrets.toml file
  5. Config File


  • download the "pytorch_model.bin" file from the following URL and place it inside ./models/ST-clip/0_CLIPModel/ directory
    • clip-ViT-B-32 model from huggingface repository
      • Model size: 605MB, its a small model and can be run easily at local. I have tested it on 2017 MacBook Pro with following details
        • Processor: 3.1 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
        • Graphics: Radeon Pro 555 2 GB Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB
        • Memory: 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

Download and Setup OLLAMA

Please note if you are willing to use OPEN AI key, and have paid account of OpenAI then you don't need to setup the OLLAMA

  • Go to the OLLAMA Download Page

  • Download the setup file and install it on your machine

  • After setuping the OLLAMA at your local run the following commands.

      1. ollama pull llama3
      2. ollama pull codegemma
      3. ollama pull mxbai-embed-large

Download and Install Neo4j

  • Download Neo4j Desktop app from HERE and install it on your system
  • For details of installation instructions check the details present at the official site

After installing Neo4j

After installation we need to setup the data Open the Desktop application of Neo4j and follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. Create a new project by Clicking on the "new" icon and create project option. Alt text

  2. Rename the project name to My Project by howering on the project name clicking the edit icon and then pressing the tick icon. Alt text

  3. Add a Local DBMS to the project by clicking on the "Add" button and then selecting the "Local DBMS" option. After that enter the details name/password of your Local Database and select 5.19.0 Version number, as shown in the screenshots below. Please select the specified version only. Lastly click the create button.

Alt text Alt text

  1. Click three dots besides the "Open" Button then click on the "Open Folder" option and then click on the "Import" button. A local directory location will be open open up, we need to paste (./neo4jScripts/products.json and ./neo4jScripts/categories.json) data files here. Alt text Alt text

  2. Again click three dots besides the "Open" Button then click on the "Open Folder" option and then click on the "Configuration" option. A local directory location will be open open up, we need to paste (./neo4jScripts/apoc.conf) configuration files here. Alt text

  3. Clink on the header row of the newly created DB ("neo4j 5.19.0" in our case) to open-up the details of the setuped local DBMS and then click on "Plugins" -> Click on APOC and then click on "install" button. Alt text

  4. Next Just click the "start" button, to start the Local DBMS. Alt text

  5. After that click the drop down button insied the "Open" Button on the top and select the "Neo4j Browser" option, as shown in the screen shot. Alt text

  6. In the newly opend window, shown in the screenshot below, we will going to execute the cypher statements. Alt text

  7. Open (./neo4jScripts/NEO-4J MIGRATION SCRIPTS file, and execute the cypher statements from SCRIPT-1 to SCRIPT-10, iteratively, one by one, as shown in the screenshot below. Alt text Alt text


  1. Create a secrets.toml file inside the (.streamlit) directory with the following contents Alt text

To run the application, you must install the libraries listed in requirements.txt.


  1. Setup-Up Hyper Parameters:

    • MEMORY_MSG_BUFFER = 10 #It is the Number of messages to be kept saved at any given time to maintain the chat conversion.
    • N_VARIANTS_OF_MULTI_QUERY = 1 #It is the number of user query variants to be used while fetching answers through RAG.
    • MAX_TRIES_TO_CORRECT_JSON_STRING = 3 #It is the number retries to correct the json output that contains an array of multiple query variants in the form of strings.
    • MINIMUM_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD_FOR_SIMILARITY_SEARCH :float = 0.0 #It is the minimum threshold of simillarity to fetch the document from graph database.
  2. Model Selection

    • USE_OPEN_AI_EMBEDDER = False #If it is set to true then open Embedder will be used. Otherwise ollama embedder will be used.
    • USE_OPEN_AI_CHAT_MODEL = False #If it is set to true then open Chat Model will be used. Otherwise ollama chat model will be used.
    • USE_OPEN_AI_WHISPER_MODEL = True #If it is set to true then open whisper model will be used. Otherwise, voice search feature will be disabled.
  3. Setup CLIP parameters to enable Video (from pintrest url) based search

    • VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_RATE = 1000 #Frame rate to split the video into stream of images.
    • FIND_K_RELEVANT_FRAMES_IN_VIDEO = 1 #Number of relevant frames that needs to be identified based on the given user query.
    • SAVE_VIDEO_WITH_NAME = "abc.mp4" #Name of file to save after downloading it from the given url.
    • SAVE_VIDEO_FILE_IN_FOLDER_NAME = "data" #Name of folder where splitted video frames will get saved.
    • SAVE_VIDEO_FILE_ON_ROOT_PATH = "./"+SAVE_VIDEO_FILE_IN_FOLDER_NAME+"/" #Path where splitted video frames will get saved.
    • SAVE_FILE_NAME_WITH_HEAD = "frame" #Head name with splitted video frames will get saved with prefix of number in sequence ordering.
    • ST_CLIP_MODEL_PATH = './models/ST-clip' #Path where CLIP model is saved.

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  1. First Create a virtual enviroment with the following command.
source myenv/bin/activate
  1. Ensure the virtual enviroment is activated and all the dependedncies are installed correctly with the following commands
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Lastly, make sure that neo4j database server is up and running then run the streamlit run command to start the app.
streamlit run


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