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Terraform module for spinning up a Kubernetes deployment for Drone Fly.


Name Version
kubernetes n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_environment_variables Additional environment variables to be set in the Kubernetes container. map(any) {} no
apiary_bootstrap_servers Kafka bootstrap servers that receive Hive metastore events. string n/a yes
apiary_kafka_topic_name Kafka topic name that receive Hive metastore events. string n/a yes
apiary_listener_list Comma separated list of Hive metastore listeners to load from classpath. eg. com.expedia.HMSListener1,com.expedia.HMSListener2. string "" no
aws_region AWS region for deploying Drone Fly. string "us-east-1" no
docker_registry_secret Docker Registry authentication K8s secret name. string n/a yes
dronefly_image Drone Fly docker image. string "expediagroup/drone-fly-app" no
dronefly_image_version Version of Drone Fly docker image. string "latest" no
dronefly_k8s_role_iam K8S IAM role with required permissions for listener to work. string "" no
instance_name Drone Fly instance name to identify resources in multi-instance deployments. It will also be used to assign Kafka consumer group id. eg. name of the listener which will be deployed with Drone Fly. string n/a yes
k8s_dronefly_cpu Total CPU to allocate to the Drone Fly pod. string "500m" no
k8s_dronefly_memory Total memory to allocate to the Drone Fly pod. string "2Gi" no
k8s_dronefly_port Internal port that Drone Fly runs on. number 8008 no
k8s_image_pull_policy Policy for the Kubernetes orchestrator to pull images. string "IfNotPresent" no
k8s_namespace Namespace to deploy all Kubernetes resources to. string "dronefly" no
prometheus_enabled Enable to pull metrics using Prometheus - true or false. bool false no


Example module invocation:

locals {
  additional_environment_variables = {
      TEST_1 = "VAL_1"

module "drone-fly" {
  source                              = "git::"
  instance_name                       = "hms-listener-1"
  aws_region                          = "us-east-1"
  dronefly_image                      = "path/to/drone-fly-image-built-on-top-of-base-image"
  dronefly_image_version              = "1.0.0"
  dronefly_k8s_role_iam               = "arn:aws:iam:us-west-2:1234567:drone-fly-k8s-role"
  docker_registry_secret              = "docker-registry-secret"
  k8s_namespace                       = "drone-fly"
  apiary_bootstrap_servers            = "localhost:9092"
  apiary_kafka_topic_name             = "apiary-metastore-events"
  apiary_listener_list                = "com.expedia.HMSListener1"
  additional_environment_variables    = local.additional_environment_variables
  prometheus_enabled                  = true

Building Drone-Fly Docker image

To deploy Hive Metastore listeners within the Drone Fly container, we recommend building your Docker image using the Drone Fly base image. This new image will pull the listener and add it to the Drone Fly classpath inside the container, i.e. /app/libs/. A sample Dockerfile would look like following:

from expediagroup/drone-fly-app:latest


ENV AWS_REGION us-east-1
RUN cd /app/libs && \
wget -q${APIARY_EXTENSIONS_VERSION}/apiary-metastore-listener-${APIARY_EXTENSIONS_VERSION}-all.jar -O apiary-metastore-listener-${APIARY_EXTENSIONS_VERSION}-all.jar


This project is available under the Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright 2020 Expedia, Inc.