Reads the imbalance data (XML) form the tennet website and push it to Kafka
Name | Optional | Default | Description |
tennet.imbalance.topic | No | - | The topic to write imbalance data to. |
tennet.setttlement.prices.topic | No | - | The topic to write settlement price data to. |
tennet.bidladder.topic | No | - | The topic to write bid ladder data to. |
tennet.url | Yes | http://www.tennet.org/xml/balancedeltaprices/balans-delta_2h.xml | Tennet endpoint. |
tennet.refresh | Yes | PT5M | The poll frequency in ISO8601 format. |
tennet.max.backoff | Yes | PT40M | On failure, exponentially backoff to at most this ISO8601 duration. |
The use the Connector it needs to be on the classpath of your Kafka Connect Cluster. The easiest way is to explicitly add it like this and then start Kafka Connect.
export CLASSPATH=target/kafka-connect-tennet-1.0.1-3.0.1-all.jar
connector.class = com.eneco.trading.kafka.connect.tennet.TennetSourceConnector
tasks.max = 1
name = tennet
tennet.imbalance.topic = imbalance
tennet.setttlement.prices.topic = settlement_prices
tennet.bidladder.topic = bid_ladder
Post in the config to Connect with DataMountaineers CLI.
cli.sh create tennet < src/main/resources/connector.properties
Work in progress
- connector reads the XML and creates a message for each record
- partitioning/offset/keys
- write tests
- more error handling