Kafka connect for UK National Grid.
The National Grid connector calls the UK National Grid API to retrieve Instantaneous Flow Reports and MIPI.
Name | Optional | Default | Description | Example |
connect.nationalgrid.mipi.requests | No | - | The MIPI requests, separated by a pipe. A full list is here. The request is in the form [DateItem];[PublicationHour]:[PublicationMinute];[Frequency of publiication in minutes] | Nominations, Prevailing Nomination, Aldbrough, Storage Entry;06:00;1440 |
connect.nationalgrid.mipi.topic | No | - | The topic to write MIPI requests to. | sys_national_grid_mip_raw |
connect.nationalgrid.irf.topic | No | - | The topics to write the IFR requests to. | sys_national_grid_ifr_raw |
The use the Connector it needs to be on the classpath of your Kafka Connect Cluster. The easiest way is to explicitly add it like this and then start Kafka Connect.
export CLASSPATH=target/kafka-connect-nationalgrid-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Pull the following MIPI every day close as possible to 06:00, Frequency is 1440 minutes or 24 hours.
connector.class = com.eneco.trading.kafka.connect.nationalgrid.source.NationalGridSourceConnector
tasks.max = 1
name = ng
connect.nationalgrid.mipi.requests=Nominations, Prevailing Nomination, Aldbrough, Storage Entry;06:00;1440|Nominations, Prevailing Nomination, Aldbrough, Storage Exit;06:00;1440
Post in the config to Connect with DataMountaineers CLI.
cli.sh create ng < src/main/resources/connector.properties
Use scalaxrb to generate case class from wsdl, converts these to Structs to write
Run to produce generated sources
mvn generate-sources
To package
mvn package