Minesweeper is an old, yet amusing game that was first released in 1989. Over 30 years later, I have decided to remake the popular game from scratch (almost).
- Objective: Don't blow up!
- Left click to reveal a tile
- Right click to flag a tile
- Middle click to reveal adjacent tiles which are not flagged
- Numeric tiles tell you how many adjacent tiles contain a bomb
The game supports a texutres.png file which is 512px x 512px large. This is the default one. Download and edit it as you wish.
I am not updating this, so I reccomend you to build the project yourself. Download the minesweeper here.
I built this with Visual Studio, however you may build this in whatever way you want.
SFML 2.5.1 - https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.5.1/
- (sfml-graphics-2.dll)
- (sfml-system-2.dll)
- (sfml-window-2.dll)
MIT Free Software, Hell Yeah!