Note: Originally, it was fork of this package.
A simple Angular 5 data table, with built-in solutions for features including:
- pagination
- sorting
- row selection (single/multi)
- expandable rows
- column resizing
- selecting visible columns
- accessibility (basic)
- scrolling
- sizing
It's based on Bootstrap v4.0.0 and Font v4.7.0, so you need to include them in the application using it.
The component can be used not just with local data, but remote resources too: for example if the sorting and paging happen in the database.
npm install angular5-data-table-custom --save
For creating a distributable version, run npm run build
, then run npm run pack-lib
. This will create a tar.gz file containing the library, which can be installed within your projects. The packager system is based on Angular Library Starter
MIT License