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@javiereguiluz javiereguiluz released this 01 Sep 06:25

New features

[d401db7] Allow clear on non-required association (@Schyzophrenic)
[c0ff2b0] Give a default template for all fields (@javiereguiluz)
[fa3df60] Use more CSS variables in SCSS variables (@javiereguiluz)
[d8465c8] Allow using doctrine/persistence 2.x (@maxhelias)
[2c1315d] Added more Twig blocks in content.html.twig (@seb-jean)
[e8ad763][83124da] Improved the functional tests and added more tests (@javiereguiluz)

Bug fixes

[dcb1f79] Removed trailing directory separator for namespace (@Schyzophrenic)
[1d7481e] Fixed the widget option of choice fields (@javiereguiluz)
[2b2c250] Decoupled collection row from ea field (@sbyshyp)
[0770dd6] Fixed a bug and added some tests for MoneyField configurator (@javiereguiluz)
[92e4d12] Fixed the dependency injection pass that creates the services (@javiereguiluz)
[327ea6d] Display the column of actions in index page unconditionally (@javiereguiluz)
[aff51c1] Show "field required" error messages in the browser for JavaScript based text editors (@javiereguiluz)
[7f0a6dc] Removed field help translation already performed (@thomas-l)
[f30c112] Fixed paginator when using HAVING conditions (@javiereguiluz)
[460e4b9] Updated Turkish translation (@safaksaylam)
[0b871c5][1c34b10][0698457] [Doc] Misc fixes (@bocharsky-bw, @bijsterdee, @matthieuleorat)