New features
[9d05a99] Integrated the PropertyAccessor Symfony component to get rid of our own custom solution (@javiereguiluz)
[df17628][a367a6d] Improved the contents displayed in the EasyAdmin panel of the Symfony Profiler (@ogizanagi, @javiereguiluz)
[7087d67] Do not execute template parameters logic for TO_MANY associations in TwigExtension (@ogizanagi)
[ed04595] Fixed Travis issue with ChoiceView and wrong twig-bridge version (@ogizanagi)
[45b0e1f] Fixed easyadmin dumper not marked as safe and made EasyAdminDataCollector::dump consistent across all its fallbacks (@ogizanagi)
[99fdba0] Added missing Dutch translations and improved some existing translations (@pvdleek)
[7325e28] Fixed a wrong route name in some documentation article (@sebastianlp)
[f14b35c] Updated the main layout template to easily override it (@Pierstoval)
[a32c277] Improved the way we detect if custom methods are callable (@shakaran)
[ff79338] Tweaked Travis CI configuration now that Symfony 2.8, 3.0 and PHP 7.0 are released (@javiereguiluz)