New features
[e53d832] Entities now can display global help messages in any view (@javiereguiluz)
[6a2598d] Block web robots and crawlers from accessing the backend contents (@javiereguiluz)
[83f7353] Exception messages displayed to end-users can now be translated (@javiereguiluz)
[0cc14b1] Allowed to sort using Doctrine associations (@javiereguiluz)
[7e850b6] Allowed using HTML code in the labels of the "show" view (@javiereguiluz)
Bug fixes
[a5ec42a] Fixed PostgresSQL UUID field dont have LOWER function (@Velik123)
[8cc82a8] Used Symfony mb_* polyfill for string functions (@javiereguiluz)
[7a69d8f] Prevented sending empty DELETE forms (@czeslav87)
[24c33c6] Showed parent row block features in the autocomplete form type (@yceruto)
[27fe864] Fixed var-dumper deprecation (@dannyvw)
[3e9df69] Do not use addClassesToCompile() on PHP 7.0+ (@xabbuh)
[5f42029] Updated FontAwesome icons from 4.5 to 4.7 (@pmaniora)
[c8350b3] Allowed to define the alignment of the contents in the "list" view (@javiereguiluz)
[809f5d8] Fixed the form theme for collections with the allow_delete flag (@user121216)
[a282a8d] Fixed a typo in the VichUploader doc article (@esmiz)
[e0dce64] Updated Bulgarian translation (@bmanolov)
[7f6f48b] Added Finnish translation (@janit)
[a9a935d] Added Arabic translation and added support for RTL (Right-to-Left) languages (@B-GH)