New features
[ef45b47] Allowed using Symfony 4 components (@javiereguiluz)
[c0d40b2][1171816][ae2e5fd] Removed templating component usage (@ogizanagi)
[01b73d0] Extracted instantiation ConfigPasses from ConfigManager to ServiceContainer (@grachevko)
[924e20d] Changed some methods from private to protected in the base controller (@javiereguiluz)
[4e06da1] Added an easyadmin_path() helper to simplify the URL generation (@grachevko)
[110877f] Extracted redirectToReferer to separate method in the admin controller (@grachevko)
[d981b71] Allowed to disable translations (@jkroepke)
Bug fixes
[0e496c5] Don't allow toggle if edit is disabled (@tacman)
[2043001] Fixed required labels (@Pierstoval)
[9ec5fd8] Fixed smallint & integer in Search/QueryBuilder (@VolCh)
[6e0da3d] Merged repeated class attributes (@alterphp)
[c2d63fa] Fixed the format option for default fields (@javiereguiluz)
[49c3f23] Fixed autocomplete pagination (@yceruto)
[f27fc01] Used translation_domain for form from itself (@grachevko)
[ffbbd7a] Only display empty_collection when value is empty and iterable (@quentin)
[68d4d64] Updated Spanish translation (@alexhoma)
[5da262e] Updated Portuguese translation (@davialexandre)
[1668dfa] Updated Hungarian translations (Pedro Correia)
[5284749] Updated Slovenian translation (@petk)
[2f32af9] Updated Russian translation (@vudaltsov)