Besides the usual bug fixes and new minor features, this version updates lots of translation files (we're still looking for translators for the rest of languages). Stay tuned because the the next EasyAdmin version will include a stunning new design for the default backend theme (see https://github.com/javiereguiluz/EasyAdminBundle/pull/791).
[fd994f2] Allow to define EasyAdmin configuration in different files (@javiereguiluz)
[63471ad] Tweaked form attributes (@ogizanagi)
[6525cf5] Fix event listener registered multiple times (@ogizanagi)
[8785d51] Fixed a design issue when the user is anonymous (@reypm)
[e007b76] Updated the list of project contributors (@ogizanagi)
[6bcf35b] Fixed a bug that prevented using multiple entity managers (@anboto)
[6a0ebb1] Fixed deleting the last entity redirected to page -1 instead of showing "No results" (@ogizanagi)
[6df8607] Fixed the EasyAdmin icon in the Symfony toolbar for Symfony 2.7 and earlier versions (@yceruto)
[91b3226] Simplified the default CSS classes applied to generated forms (@rubengc)
[113aca3] Added a new tutorial about managing complex backends (@javiereguiluz)
[3b47e18] Added a new tutorial about formatting dates and numbers (@javiereguiluz)
[758221f] Improved the CONTRIBUTING guide with more Git information (@javiereguiluz)
[838ffd5] Add missing translation for DELETE button on modal (@reypm)
[7bd233a] Updated Italian (it) translations (Luca Ferri)
[fdba265][351c48c] Updated Polish translations (@mkalisz77, @Jjourde)
[8a1efd4] Updated German translations (@xabbuh)
[6c3517e] Added Romanian (RO) translation (@gabiudrescu)
[46921eb] Updated Catalan translations (@rubengc)
[8fbefc0] Updated Slovenian translation (@peterkokot)
[470b774] Updated Turkish translation (@fatihkahveci)