-->Bash Cybersecurity Projects
- Password Strength Checker & Generator: The bash script functions to check the strength of a password and generate a random password. It first checks the entered password for length, presence of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters. Depending on these criteria, it classifies the password as weak, strong, or hard. If the user chooses to generate a password, it generates a random string of the specified length.
2.Open Port Scanner: This bash script is designed to scan a specified IP address for open ports. It iterates through all possible port numbers (from 1 to 65535), attempting to establish a connection to each one. If a connection is successfully established within a short timeframe, it is determined as an open port. The script then reports these open ports.
3.Subdomain Finder: This bash script reads a domain from the user and then checks for the existence of subdomains listed in a file named "subdomains.txt". It uses the host command to resolve the IP address of each subdomain. If the subdomain exists, it prints the corresponding IP address.
- IDS.sh: A simple Intrusion Detection System(work in progress)