Whitelisted token assets and list
The JSON schema for the tokens includes: chainId, name, address, decimals, symbol, logoURI. Required!
Adding or Updating a token
1- Fork the repository
2- Add the new token at the end of the token array in piteas-tokenlist.json
Please make sure that the new token follows this schema.
"chainId": 369, // Should always be 369
"address": "token_address on Pulsechain",
"name": "token_name",
"symbol": "token_symbol",
"decimals": <token_decimals>,
"logoURI": "token_icon_uri",
#Example token query
- "chainId": 369,
- "address": "0x15D38573d2feeb82e7ad5187aB8c1D52810B1f07",
- "name": "USD Coin from Ethereum",
- "symbol": "USDC",
- "decimals": 6,
- "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/piteasio/app-tokens/main/token-logo/0x15D38573d2feeb82e7ad5187aB8c1D52810B1f07.png"
3- Commit the changes and raise a PR to our repo's dev branch.
Disclaimer After raising a PR, please allow us some time to verify the PR. We do not follow any particular order in reviewing token additions and updations.