A program written in Go for running timed quizes via the command line.
- First, clone the repository to your local machine:
$ git clone https://github.com/DreamLineLove/QuizGame.git
- Run the binary or build it yourself (Go toolchain required):
// The following each runs the binary with default flags
// Run the one for your operating system
$ ./bin/apple-silicon-mac
$ ./bin/intel-mac
$ ./bin/windows
$ ./bin/linux
// Or build the binary yourself
$ go build .
- By default -timelimit is 30 (seconds) and -path is "./problems.csv".
- However, you can set the flags to anything you like:
// Here, the time limit is 60 seconds and the file path
// is set as "another.csv" from the same directory. It
// will be run on Apple Silicon macs (with M1 M2 chips)
$ ./bin/apple-silicon-mac -timelimit 60 -path another.csv