v6.0.0 (Nov 12, 2022)
Nov 12, 2022: SuiteSparse 6.0.0
* major update: using CMake build system for all packages
* CMake Find*: all packages now have a Find*.cmake. See
* integers: int (32-bit) and SuiteSparse_long (nominally 64-bit) replaced
with int32_t and int64_t. The SuiteSparse_long #define has been
deprecated and removed. Replace its use with int64_t in any code that
uses SuiteSparse v6.0.0 or later. This is unlikely to change any
use of any SuiteSparse package, but since it's possible that
SuiteSparse_long was 32-bits on some platforms, the SO_VERSIION of
all packages has been increased by one.
* UMFPACK: new options to support ParU. Single umfpack.h include file.
* CHOLMOD: Single cholmod.h include file.
* SuiteSparse/metis-5.1.0: now embedded into CHOLMOD, in a different
name space. No longer an independent library.
* SPDX License Identifier: added to each file. No change in license.
* BLAS/LAPACK interface: now supports any Fortran BLAS/LAPACK, with
either 32-bit (default) or 64-bit integers, via FindBLAS.cmake.
* SPEX: replaces SLIP_LU