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Project 2 - New York Times API App - Instanews


Instanews allows users to instantly retreive the top 12 news articles from any particular selected category.

Languages and Tools Used

* HTML5 
* CSS3 (Flexbox, media queries)
* SCSS (variables, @mixins, @extends, partials)
* JavaScript 
* JQuery
* API's
* Mobile first approach to coding & design (RWD)
* Gulp

Learning Outcomes

The Instanews project allowed me to learn and sharpen a multitude of newly aquired skills. The use of Gulp as a task runner for my project allowed me to: run BroswerSync, lint JavaScript files, compile SCSS files into a style.css file, minify my CSS and JavaScript files, and last but not least notify me of any errors made, with messages in my terminal. Additionally, I learned how to pull, parse, and populate content with data that was received from an external web API. Finally, the use of SCSS allowed me to keep a more logically organized style folder using partials, in addition to using @mixins, @extends, as well as simple and logical variables.