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DivingDuck edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to my Printrun wiki!

I did this fork because I build some bigger HEVO-style 3-D Printers with more than one heated bed and there was no solution available that supports more than one heated bed. I don't expect that changes or implementations of this clone will find a way to the original master branch as this is not a common need for other user's - but, who knows what happen in the future.

This clone have two branches, one called Master and the other is called Gauges. Master is an copy of the original master branch (actual based on latest status of kliment/printrun v2.0.RC5) I try to keep this branch up to date as this is the base for my fork too. Updates from Master will find their way into Gauges as long as they will not break something. Changes from Gauges will find their way to Master only if they will be accepted in the original master branch from kliment/printrun. I'm using Smoothieware based hardware for my printers, so some future changes for branch Gauges will maybe only work for this controller. I try to implement as compatible as possible, but I will make a remark here if this isn't possible for a special modification or feature.

Screen copy of Pronterface, development version from my Branch Gauges:

screen copy Pronterface development version from Branch Gauges