This software is currently only supported on Linux 64-bit and Windows 32/64-bit.
Install Node.js 8.2.1 ("Latest Features").
- For Windows
- Unix-like OSes (Linux) should use NVM
- If neither of the above, you probably already have it installed. (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NODE 7 OR HIGHER!!!!)
Download as .zip from GitHub and extract to a folder.
To install necessary libraries, double-click run-me-first.bat
After installing libraries, you may now use the vaneminer.bat
file to start
mining. VaneMiner will automatically download the correct Vanitygen.exe for
your Windows version.
Running via command line:
index.js [-g] <your snatcoin address>
Use environment variable VANITYGEN_OPTIONS to set options for Vanitygen.
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-g, --gpu Use OpenCL Vanitygen for faster mining on supported graphics
cards [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --prefix Prefix for Vanitygen to use (e.g. 1snat, 1snats)
[string] [default: "1snat"]
-s, --sensitive Make Vanitygen mine case-sentitively (e.g. mine only for
1SNATS, not 1Snats) [boolean] [default: false]
VaneMiner will automatically download the correct vanitygen
binary for your
The source code is in the _coffee/
folder. index.js
is compiled by
CoffeeScript 2.0 with gulp. Use yarn install --dev
to install gulp, etc.
Currently, I'd like VaneMiner to support extra platforms like RPi, etc.
Please feel free to send pull requests with links to binaries for other
architectures and update my minerExe
switch statements in
to download those binaries.
Written by @tphecca of Divergent Thinking.
Donate Snatcoin here: 1DrhbvTnnz8UdF4QoY5jRwivhZ82uT67YK
. Thanks!