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A platform that allows you to outsource problems to users best solution earns compensation
This is a server-side application in Node.js using Express web application framework and and Mongoose ODM, generated using Appinvento.


  • Node.js : Node.js is an open-source server environment. Node.js is cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS. Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment.
  • MongoDB : MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
  • Redis : Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine
  • Docker : Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. The service has both free and premium tiers. The software that hosts the containers is called Docker Engine.


Feature Summary
Authentication via JsonWebToken Supports authentication using jsonwebtoken.
Code Linting JavaScript code linting is done using ESLint - a pluggable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
Auto server restart Restart the server using nodemon in real-time anytime an edit is made, with babel compilation and eslint.
Express Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
Error handling Centralized error handling mechanism
Logging Using Winston and Morgan
API documentation With Swagger-ui-express
Authentication and authorization Using Passport-jwt - A Passport strategy for authenticating with a JSON Web Token.
Validation Request data validation using Joi

Getting Started

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start server:

npm run dev-es6


open package.json file and run dev-es6 script

.env file

File is placed at the base of the project directory and contains all necessary variables for application
like port number, database url and different credentials.
# Kindly replace below values with your credentials.

# Port Number for running server

# MongoDB database url

# Password Authentication using JWT
# JWT Secret for creating and verifing access token

# Access Token Expiration in minutes

# Refresh Token Expiration in days

# SMTP configuration options for the email service
# the hostname or IP address and the port to connect to (defaults to ‘localhost’)

# the username and password for authentication object used in SMTP connection data

# Email id from whom email is being sent
[email protected]

# Base url for email verification url in verification email

# Redis connection options for creating redis client instance
# it will connect to localhost:6379 (hostName:port)

# Authentication via Google
# Options specifying a app clinet ID and app client secret for google strategy

# Authentication via FaceBook
# Options specifying a app clinet ID and app client secret for FaceBook strategy

# Authentication via Apple
# Options specifying a app clinet ID that accesses the backend for Apple token strategy

# Authentication via GitHub
# Options specifying a client ID, client secret for GitHub strategy

# Stripe for Payment service
# Stripe account's secret key for stripe module configuration

# Captcha for verifing the human identity
# Captcha secret key for validating Captcha

# Logger Utility - log messages for the system
# Level of the message logging while createLogger using winston

# File-upload service Via AWS provider
# the Bucket name

# accessKeyId and secretAccessKey that authorize your access to services.

# The Bucket Region in which you will request services.

Project Structure

   ├── config            -  contains config files.
   ├── controllers       -  Controller files calls appropriate service functions.
   ├── docs              -  contains postman collection
   ├── middlewares       -  contains middleware files.
   ├── models            -  Model files contain schema for model.
   ├── routes            -  Route files contain all the routes
   ├── services          -  Service files contain execution logic for a single web route only.
   ├── utils             -  contains utils files.
   ├── validations       -  Joi validations schema files for each route api.

Flow of code

  • Routes : index.js file exports all model routes from all userRoles, imported into app.js to access all the routes.
    ├── routes
       ├── user
           ├── v1
              ├── auth
                 ├── auth.route.js   - contains CRUD operation for auth routes
             ├── user
                 ├── user.route.js   - contains CRUD operation for user model routes
           └── index.js               - exports all models routes
    └── index.js                     - exports all userRole routes
  • API Documentation :

    • Auth routes :

      • POST /v1/user/auth/send-verify-otp - send the otp for verification
      • POST /v1/user/auth/verify-otp - verify the otp
      • GET /v1/user/auth/me - get Current logged in userInfo
      • PUT /v1/user/auth/me - update the Current UserInfo
      • POST /v1/user/auth/forgot-password-based-on-token - Token based Verification
      • POST /v1/user/auth/verify-reset-code - verify that code is for changePassword is Valid.
      • POST /v1/user/auth/verify-reset-otp - verify that OTP is for changePassword is Valid.
      • POST /v1/user/auth/reset-password-based-on-token - Reset the password Using the Token and Email provided by Use
      • POST /v1/user/auth/logout - logout
      • POST /v1/user/auth/register - register
      • POST /v1/user/auth/login - login
      • POST /v1/user/auth/refresh-tokens - refresh auth tokens
      • POST /v1/user/auth/forgot-password - send reset password email
      • POST /v1/user/auth/reset-password - reset password
      • POST /v1/user/auth/send-verify-email - send verify email
      • POST /v1/user/auth/verify-email - verify email
    • User routes :

      • POST /v1/user/ - create a user
      • GET /v1/user/user/ - get all users
      • GET /v1/user/user/:userId - get user by Id
      • GET /v1/user/user/paginated - get user paginated
      • PUT /v1/user/user/:userId - update user by Id
      • DELETE /v1/user/user/:userId - delete user by Id
  • Error Handling :

    • The app has a centralized error handling mechanism.

    • Controllers should try to catch the errors and forward them to the error handling middleware (by calling next(error)). For convenience, you can also wrap the controller inside the catchAsync utility wrapper, which forwards the error.

    • When running in development mode, the error response also contains the error stack.

    • The app has a utility ApiError class to which you can attach a response code and a message, and then throw it from anywhere (catchAsync will catch it).

    • For example, if you are trying to get a user from the DB who is not found, and you want to send a 404 error, the code should look something like:

      import httpStatus from 'http-status';
      import ApiError from 'utils/ApiError';
      import User from 'models/user.model';
      export async function getUser(userId) {
          const user = await User.findById(userId);
          if (!user) {
              throw new ApiError(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, 'User not found');

      The error handling middleware sends an error response, which has the following format:

          "code": 404,
          "message": "Not found"
  • Validations:

    • Joi validations schema files for each route api.

         ├── validations
            ├── user
               ├── auth.validation.js   - contains all validation schema of auth route
               ├── user.validation.js   - contains all validation schema of user model route
             └── index.js                - exports all validation schemas
    • The validation schemas are defined in the validations directory and are used in the routes by providing them as parameters to the validate middleware.

      import express from 'express';
      import { userValidation } from 'validations/user';
      import { userController } from 'controllers/user';
      const router = express.Router();
          * createUser
      .post(validate(userValidation.createUser), userController.create)
  • Authentication :

    • To require authentication for certain routes, you can use the auth middleware.

      import express from 'express';
      import auth from 'middlewares/auth';
      import { userValidation } from 'validations/user';
      import { userController } from 'controllers/user';
      const router = express.Router();
          * createUser
      .post(auth(), validate(userValidation.createUser), userController.create)
    • These routes require a valid JWT access token in the Authorization request header using the Bearer schema. If the request does not contain a valid access token, an Unauthorized (401) error is thrown.

      • Generating Access Tokens :

        • An access token can be generated by making a successful call to the register (POST /v1/auth/register) or login (POST /v1/auth/login) endpoints. The response of these endpoints also contains refresh tokens (explained below).

        • An access token is valid for 30 minutes. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_MINUTES environment variable in the .env file.

      • Refreshing Access Tokens:

        • After the access token expires, a new access token can be generated, by making a call to the refresh token endpoint (POST /v1/auth/refresh-tokens) and sending along a valid refresh token in the request body. This call returns a new access token and a new refresh token.

        • A refresh token is valid for 30 days. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DAYS environment variable in the .env file.

  • Authorization :

    • The auth middleware can also be used to require certain rights/permissions to access a route.

      import express from 'express';
      import auth from 'middlewares/auth';
      import { userController } from 'controllers/user';
      const router = express.Router();
   '/users', auth('user'), userController.createUser);
  • Controllers:

    • Controller files calls appropriate service functions.
        ├── controllers
           ├── user
              ├── auth.controller.js   - contains all controller functions of auth route
              ├── user.controller.js   - contains all controller function of user model route
            └── index.js                - exports all controller functions
  • Services:

    • Service files contains execution logic for a single web route only.
        ├── services
           ├── auth.service.js      - contains all service functions of auth route
           ├── user.controller.js   - contains all service function of user model route
         └── index.js                - exports all service functions
  • Models: Model files contains schema for model.

  • Logging :

    • Import the logger from config/logger.js. It is using the Winston logging library.

    • Logging should be done according to the following severity levels (ascending order from most important to least important):

      const logger = require('config/logger');
    • In development mode, log messages of all severity levels will be printed to the console.

    • In production mode, only info, warn, and error logs will be printed to the console.

    • It is up to the server (or process manager) to actually read them from the console and store them in log files.

    • This app uses pm2 in production mode, which is already configured to store the logs in log files.

    • Note: API request information (request url, response code, timestamp, etc.) are also automatically logged (using morgan).

  • Custom Mongoose Plugins :

    • The app also contains 2 custom mongoose plugins that you can attach to any mongoose model schema. You can find the plugins in models/plugins.

      import mongoose from 'mongoose';
      import mongoosePaginateV2 from 'mongoose-paginate-v2';
      const UserSchema = mongoose.Schema(
              /* schema definition here */
          { timestamps: true }
      const UserModel = mongoose.models.User || mongoose.model('User', UserSchema, 'User');
    • toJSON :

      • The toJSON plugin applies the following changes in the toJSON transform call:
        • removes __v, createdAt, updatedAt, and any schema path that has private: true
        • replaces _id with id
    • Paginate :

      • The paginate plugin adds the paginate static method to the mongoose schema.
      • Adding this plugin to the User model schema will allow you to do the following:
        export async function getUserListWithPagination(filter, options = {}) {
            const user = await User.paginate(filter, options);
            return user;
  • Linting :

    • Linting is done using ESLint and Prettier.
    • In this app, ESLint is configured to follow the Airbnb JavaScript style guide with some modifications. It also extends eslint-config-prettier to turn off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.
    • To modify the ESLint configuration, update the .eslintrc.json file. To modify the Prettier configuration, update the .prettierrc.json file.
    • To prevent a certain file or directory from being linted, add it to .eslintignore and .prettierignore.