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DigitalState Platform

The DigitalState Platform offers developers...


This section describes how to install the DigitalState Platform.


This guide assumes you have a web server ready with PHP and MySQL installed. A full list of requirements can be found on the ORO website. You will also need a blank database with a user that has read/write privileges on the database.

For the purpose of this guide, let's assume the following:

  • the base directory of the installation: /srv/ds-platform/
  • the database name: ds_platform
  • the database user: user1
  • the database password: password1

Step 1

Download the source code and extract it in the base directory /srv/ds-platform/. The web/ folder found in the source code should align with your web root, e.g. /srv/ds-platform/web/.

Step 2

Download the composer phar file and place it in the base directory, e.g. /srv/ds-platform/composer.phar

Step 3

Open a console and navigate to the base directory.

cd /srv/ds-platform/

Install all vendor dependencies by running the composer install command.

./composer.phar install --prefer-dist

At the end of the install process, you will be prompted to enter configuration parameters. The default values in parentheses will be used, if none provided. At a minimum, you will need to provide a database_name, database_user and database_password.

Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.
database_driver (pdo_mysql): 
database_host ( 
database_port (null): 
database_name (bap_standard): ds_platform
database_user (root): user1
database_password (null): password1
mailer_transport (mail): 
mailer_host ( 
mailer_port (null): 
mailer_encryption (null): 
mailer_user (null): 
mailer_password (null): 
websocket_bind_address ( 
websocket_bind_port (8080): 
websocket_frontend_host ('*'): 
websocket_frontend_port (8080): 
websocket_backend_host ('*'): 
websocket_backend_port (8080): 
session_handler (session.handler.native_file): 
locale (en): 
secret (ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt): 
installed (null): 
assets_version (null): 
assets_version_strategy (time_hash):
  • database_* Database-related configurations.
  • mailer_* Mailer-related configurations.
  • websocket_* Websocket-related configurations.
  • session_handler Session configuration.
  • locale Locale configuration.
  • secret Secret key configuration.
  • installed Whether the platform has been installed or not.
  • assets_* Assets-related configurations.

Step 4

Install the platform by running the ORO install command.

php app/console oro:install

Step 5 (optional)

Install camunda by running the BPM install commands.

sudo php app/console bpm:camunda:install

sudo php app/console bpm:camunda:start


Open a browser and access your fresh installation in dev mode at http://localhost/app_dev.php/.

Using in other projects

Doctrine Extensions

The Platform bundles uses, ensure that you have the following configuration in your app/config/config.yml

    default_locale: en
    translation_fallback: true
            translatable:     true
            tree:             true
            timestampable:    true


You also need to add the following parameters in your app/config/parameters.yml and app/config/parameters.yml.dist

parameters: api/rest/{version} latest|v1 latest


The documentation for the DigitalState Platform can be found here.