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Releases: DeveloperPaul123/FilePickerLibrary

Updates to README and code maintainability.

25 Feb 13:22
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Lots of improvements in code maintainability and updates in README and the FilePicker API. Thanks to alirezaaa for all the hard work and all the pull requests!

Bug fixes

03 Jan 02:54
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  • Addresses issue where target sdk is lower then the build sdk (i.e. running the library on an Android L device that was build against api level 23), this resulted in no files being displayed.

Bug fixes and enhancements

06 Dec 16:28
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  • Fixed issues with android marshmallow (hopefully)
  • Localized all strings into values->strings.xml

Fixed jitpack build error.

24 Nov 20:20
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Fixed an error causing Jitpack builds to fail.

New Features and Bug Fixes

23 Nov 22:12
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Hopefully fixed some bugs with the header in the list view. Also added a new material version of the file picker activity. Also added a builder to clean up the intent creation and removed file size calculation from directories. Will only happen on files or when you click the info button.

Official Release!

04 Oct 02:13
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First release of FilePickerLibrary on! I'm permanently switching all my libraries to this because it is much easier and more reliable.