September 2022, © Denuvo GmbH
This simple script sends pings to servers around the world and generates a report with collected measurements. It comes with several predefined lists of targets you can choose from or you can define your own lists. Information about your approximated geographical location is attached to the report and is based on
See the accompanying writeup Your ping will not improve!.
Available targets:
- subset of major Debian mirrors - 35 targetsdebianBig
- most of remaining Debian mirrors - 255 targetsdebian
- debianBig+debianSmall - 290 targetsalibaba
- 20 targetsaws
- 26 targetsdigitalocean
- 13 targetsgoogle
- 15 targetsovh
- 10 targetscloud
- alibaba+AWS+digitalocean+google+OVH - 84 targetsall
- debian+cloud - 374 targets<your path here>
- you may as well create custom target list - it just needs to be a JSON file with array of domains to ping
Note: more targets to ping means more time to wait for to get results
./pta ovh google
- will collect pings to OVH and Google cloud./pta debianSmall aws ./myList.json
- will collect pings to subset of Debian mirrors, AWS and hosts listed inmyList.json
Example custom list file content: ["", ""]
First of all you will have to install nodejs
Then open a console and type:
$ git clone
$ cd ping-them-all
$ npm install --only=prod
$ node ./bin/pta cloud
Alternatively, instead using git you can download an archive from Github, unpack it, and install dependencies with npm.
First of all, please report your pings - especially to cloud
target :) - It should take around 5 minutes to complete.
Secondly, let us know about hosts of other hosting providers we could add.
If you would like to add some new functionality or improve existing, feel free to create pull request.
Please prefix title with BUG: <title here>
Please prefix title with PING: <title here>