Writes WhoCanIVoteFor ballots to an S3 bucket.
This project is deployed to AWS Lambda. It fetches data from WhoCanIVoteFor. co.uk and writes it to an S3 bucket.
graph TD
eb["EventBridge schedule rate(1 minute)"] --> lambda
lambda --> last_seen[Get last seen timestamp]
last_seen -->|Pass last seen| WCIVF[WhoCanIVoteFor API]
WCIVF -->|Top 100 ballots since last seen| lambda --> S3[S3 Bucket]
S3 --> WWW
We use AWS SAM to deploy a CloudFormation stack that sets up the Lambda function and EventBridge rules
The S3 bucket needs to be manually created and passed in as a parameter
store value BALLOT_CACHE_S3_BUCKET=[bucket_name]
If running locally files will be saved to a ballot_data
To run:
python ballot_writer/get_ballots.py